Dr. Lucretia Berry is the founder of Brownicity; an agency dedicated to advocacy, education, and support for racial healing and antiracism. She is a former college professor whose love for humanity led her to author What LIES Between Us: Fostering First Steps Towards Racial Healing, a journey guide designed specifically for ‘beginners.’ She is the Anti-race/ism Curriculum Specialist for Community School of Davidson (NC), a contributor for (In)courage.me, a TEDx speaker, and more.

I first heard Dr. Berry as a guest on a show I was editing for one of my clients and, as someone at the beginning of their own antiracism journey, I connected with her message right away and knew I needed to have her on this podcast to help me talk topic of race and antiracism through the lens of a podcaster and entrepreneur.

In part one of my conversation with Dr. Berry, she shares the difference between the terms “Black” and “African American”, why it’s important to capitalize “Black”, the difference between a debate, a discussion, and a dialogue, which one of those we should be having as people who communicate in such public ways, and more!

Be sure that you come back next week where she’s going to share why it’s harmful to try to separate antiracism from your podcast and business, how to ease into these complex conversations after taking a step back to do some inner work, how to diversify your podcast guest list in a way that doesn’t involve tokenism or do cause harm to Black people, and more!


To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.


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One-on-one podcast launch packages Self-paced online course for launching your podcast Podcast auditing (Ideal if you're getting ready to launch and want an expert's eyes on everything first or if you've already launch and you want advice on how to improve your show.) Podcast editing (let me take care of the time-consuming post-production aspects of your show)