One of the reasons podcasting is such a powerful lead generation tool for a coaching or consulting business is because of the bond it allows you to build with your audience.

Unfortunately, I've noticed that a lot podcasters aren't taking full advantage of this power and they actually end up doing things that can alienate their audience members instead.

So, in this episode, I'm providing you with some incredibly quick and easy-to-implement tips for building a bond with your audience that will help you convert them from listeners to paying clients.

SPECIAL NOTE: You'll hear me mention a free training, The 24HR Secret Sellout, that my business coach is running at the end of the episode that was originally supposed to start on May 11th. The training has been pushed back to May 25th, however, you can still sign-up now for the training using the link below and you'll receive a reminder when the training is about to start.


The 24HR Secret Sellout Free Training:


To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.


Want to connect with me further? Follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook and reach out!

Want to work together? Here's how we can do that!

One-on-one podcast launch packages Self-paced online course for launching your podcast Podcast auditing (Ideal if you're getting ready to launch and want an expert's eyes on everything first or if you've already launch and you want advice on how to improve your show.) Podcast editing (let me take care of the time-consuming post-production aspects of your show)