The self-created Ambassador of Happiness®, Maura Sweeney is on a mission to advance the human race. A former decorated corporate manager and home-schooling mom, Maura set out at midlife to positively impact the greater world.

Featured on NBC, BBC, European TV and African press, Maura’s lectured to aspiring FBI and CIA candidates, moderated for a Florida think tank event, served as panelist for a national virtual town hall for race relations, spoke at the inaugural Nelson Mandela Day celebrations and joined several celebrities as a spoken word contributor to Action Moves People United raising awareness for world peace.

Author, Podcaster and International Speaker, Maura was named Woman of the Decade at the 2018 Women’s Economic Forum held in The Hague. Having traveled to 60 countries and engaged with an array of diverse peoples, Maura shares life lessons, reflective questions and paradigm shifting concepts to inspire personal leadership for a better world.

In this episode, Maura talks about why she believes podcasting is one of the most intimate ways to share your message with the world, how her podcast lead to a paid speaking gig at the perfect conference for her in Croatia, why she felt out of place at local podcasting meet-ups, her advice for those wanting to start a podcast to grow their business, and more!


To learn more about Maura, visit the show notes.


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