Dr. Lindsay Padilla is an ex-community college professor who accidentally started a business while on the tenure track. Now, as the CEO and co-founder of the Hello Audio software, which takes your content and creates private audio feeds to make learning on the go much easier for your people, Lindsay challenges online industry norms of unfinished courses and unconsumed content with her product.

All of Lindsay’s business ideas were born out of her tenure-track years teaching adults online at a community college, the ridiculous amount of learning she's done in all things education, and the years spent growing her course creation business online.

In this episode, Lindsay shares what Hello Audio is, how it was created with course creators and podcasters in mind, how she personally uses Hello Audio in her own business, unique ways Hello Audio users are utilizing the platform for both business and personal reasons, how it can completely replace course platforms like Kajabi and Thinkific if you wanted it to, why it creates a much easier (and better) experience for your course participants, and more!


To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

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