All about how you can put processes into place to more easily create titles and descriptions that check all the boxes and draw your listeners in!

(1:05) - Put a system in place for WHEN and HOW you create your description. Eliminate the question of, “when do I write my description?” to streamline your production

(7:41) - Create one "Titles & Descriptions" document in google (or wherever you please) to rule them all. Stick with it and make your life easier.

(11:53) - A word on titles.

(14:40) - How to format a description that shows up consistently across listening platforms.

(18:44) - Crafting an effective description that gives enough of an outlook, but doesn’t overdo it. Draw people in.

(22:44) - Tags and release dates.

(25:12) - Adding timestamps to your description for easy access to specific content.

(26:10) - Batch create your titles and descriptions.



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Podcasters on podcasting is a show that dissects the aspects of podcasting that trouble your everyday podcaster. We dive into stories of current successful podcasters, big and small alike, to give you actionable tips on starting and sustaining your podcast today!