MiniWekk – Miette’s Bedtime Story Podcast, Flophouse Podcast, Mr. Holmes, and the Bryant and May books by Christopher Fowler. For the main Wekk we discuss mysteries that intrigue us: small particles, dark energy, dark matter, Earth-like planets, life in the universe, dimensions (dimensional travel), unification theory, as well as what happens to our brains when we sleep.… Continue reading Wekk Podcast – Ep 26 – Science Mysteries

MiniWekk – Miette’s Bedtime Story Podcast, Flophouse Podcast, Mr. Holmes, and the Bryant and May books by Christopher Fowler.

For the main Wekk we discuss mysteries that intrigue us: small particles, dark energy, dark matter, Earth-like planets, life in the universe, dimensions (dimensional travel), unification theory, as well as what happens to our brains when we sleep. Along the way we mention books by Brian Greene, Michio Kaku, and Philip Pullman, and reference our favorite science fiction television shows like Dr. Who and Farscape.