This week’s Mini Wekk, we talk about Being Human (BBC), Doctor Who, Lifeline (a fun game app), Joss Whedon’s Twist comic book series, and Con Man. Then, we go into a deep dive about board games. Games we loved as kids (Yahtzee, Backgammon, Stratego), co-operative games we love (Dead of Winter, Pandemic), cool card games… Continue reading Wekk Podcast – Ep 25 – Board Games

This week’s Mini Wekk, we talk about Being Human (BBC), Doctor Who, Lifeline (a fun game app), Joss Whedon’s Twist comic book series, and Con Man. Then, we go into a deep dive about board games. Games we loved as kids (Yahtzee, Backgammon, Stratego), co-operative games we love (Dead of Winter, Pandemic), cool card games (Dominion, Munchkin), games we want to play next (7 Wonders, Puerto Rico), and many, many others (including Lords of Waterdeep, Epic Spell Wars, Ticket to Ride, etc.) What is your favorite game to play?