Podcast – The Human Element with Brian Fisher artwork

Podcast – The Human Element with Brian Fisher

106 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 38 ratings

Pro-life news, cultural insight, and accessible commentary on abortion and human life by Brian Fisher, an unlikely pro-life leader plucked from the world of business and media to seek justice for preborn children and their mothers.

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Clash Of The Titanic Worldviews

August 17, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Every single person has a worldview, and everyone’s worldview is rooted in theology â€“ whether we realize it or not. Do we believe in a Creator who loved us into existence, or have we deified our own selves? Our view of divinity informs whether we view abortion as abhorrent, or as a personal right.  Helpful Resources: Worldview and Abortion:  Questions or comments about the show? We love hearing from you! The post appeared first on .

Late-Term Abortion

August 10, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

Abortion is legal in the United States for any reason and during all nine months of pregnancy – even the second half of a pregnancy when babies are fully developed and can feel pain. Today, Brian describes the procedures used to kill children later in a pregnancy, and how this topic can help us find common ground with those friends who support abortion. Helpful Resources: Abortionist Martin Haskell’s paper on late-term abortions: Former Abortionist Explains Third Trimester Abortion: Carhar...

Hippocrates is Dead

August 03, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

What happened to Hippocratic medicine? The American Medical Association was once the premier association of doctors. Today, it is a massive lobbying arm that serves as an ally of the abortion industry on a regular basis. Helpful Resources: AMA Lawsuit Against North Dakota: World Medical Association and Abortion Referrals: Abortion and the Hippocratic Oath: National Abortion Federation Pressures Legitimate Doctors to Promote Abortion: Planned Parenthood / AMA lawsuit: Roe v. Wade: Defin...

Abortion by the Numbers

July 27, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

To be effective pro-life advocates, we need to use the most reliable statistics available and be able to put them into context.  Helpful Resources: Guttmacher on abortion reporting: Guttmacher on medication abortion:  Oklahoma abortion surveillance report: Charlotte Lozier review of Oklahoma report:  Planned Parenthood’s “services” and abortion numbers:  US state populations: Elementary school capacities:  10 Stages of Genocide Number of Abortions website: Questions or comments abo...

Abortion and the Hippocratic Oath

July 20, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

For centuries, the Hippocratic Oath, through which physicians promise to defend life, was revered as the standard for ethical medical practice. Today, however, it is rarely used. In fact, intentionally terminating life is now seen as an ethical medical practice in some cases. Is the Hippocratic Oath still relevant in 2019? Helpful Resources: Planned Parenthood Promo Video of Leana Wen: Christian Medical and Dental Association: American College of Pediatricians: AAPLOG Letter to Members: ...

Abortion Is A Men’s Issue

July 13, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Now more than ever, men are receiving mixed messages about their role in society and their duty toward those entrusted to them. We consider the responsibilities men should have regarding abortion, and how their role affects the abortion landscape. Helpful Resources: Want to End Abortion? Hold Men – Fathers of Those Unplanned Children – Accountable, USA Today: Why Fathers Leave Their Children, The New York Times: When We Talk About Abortion, Let’s Talk About Men, The New York Times: Thomas...

Abortion Is A Men’s Issue

July 13, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Now more than ever, men are receiving mixed messages about their role in society and their duty toward those entrusted to them. We consider the responsibilities men should have regarding abortion, and how their role affects the abortion landscape. Helpful Resources: Want to End Abortion? Hold Men – Fathers of Those Unplanned Children – Accountable, USA Today: Why Fathers Leave Their Children, The New York Times: When We Talk About Abortion, Let’s Talk About Men, The New York Times: Thomas...

Unveiling Big Abortion’s Real Agenda

July 06, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Has the abortion lobby overplayed its hand? Recent polls show that only 18% of Americans believe abortion should be legal and free for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The question is, will America reject this proposal or gradually fall in line with the new status quo? Helpful Resources: Marist Poll:   Ipsos Poll:   We Decide forum:  Questions or comments about the show? We love hearing from you! The post appeared first on .

Wake Up and Smell the Culture

June 29, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

With millions of practicing Christians in America, how do we fail to end abortion year after year? Brian Fisher posits that it’s because Christians prioritize most everything else over rescuing children from the abortion genocide. Can we continue to excuse our own willful ignorance?  Helpful Resources: Brian Fisher’s Series on Abortion and the Church: Part 1:  Part 2:  Part 3:  The post appeared first on .

Show Me The Money

June 22, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Abortion kills 1 million children each year, but the pro-life movement receives only a fraction of 1% of America’s charitable giving. What do these numbers reveal about America’s commitment to ending abortion? Helpful Resources: The moral priority of ending abortion: Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue: Abortion by the Numbers: The post appeared first on .

Heartbeats, Deadbeats, & Winning For Life

June 15, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Georgia and many other states have used their 2019 legislative sessions to send a message: Babies with beating hearts are humans with a right to life. The abortion lobby is having a meltdown. We discuss. Helpful Resources: Text of the law: NPR Guidelines: Disney CEO comments on Georgia: Disney and Netflix on Georgia: New York Times article: Cosmo weighs in: The post appeared first on .

Alabama’s Abortion Ban

June 08, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Alabama’s abortion ban is the first total abortion ban signed into law by a governor. The stakes are high: Will the law be taken up as a challenge to Roe v. Wade? Learn more on this week’s episode. Helpful Resources: Text of the law: Text of Roe v. Wade: Personhood and Roe: and Interview with the bill’s author: Fact-check of misleading claims: The post appeared first on .

See Their Humanity

June 01, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Seeing is believing. Modern human rights campaigns have been well served by showing large numbers of people what is happening to oppressed people groups. Pro-lifers can make a strong case for their position just by exposing the injustice of abortion and revealing the humanity of its victims. Helpful Resources: Live Action’s Watch Their Minds Change… series: Emmett Till’s story: Rosa Parks’ interview: Whipped Peter’s story: Christine Quinn claims the preborn child is “not a human being”: ...

What It Means to be Human

May 18, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

At its core, the pro-life worldview is a belief that life is beautiful – too beautiful and dignified to kill. Made in the image of the Creator, every human life is a precious work of divine art. Today, we take a moment to consider the complexity and beauty of being human. Biblical Points of Proof: Life Begins with a Spark: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/04/26/bright-flash-of-light-marks-incredible-moment-life-begins-when-s/ The Human Eye: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/fil...

The Rescue System

May 11, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

We know that Planned Parenthood and its ilk profit from killing our children, thanks to a massive industry designed to sell a culture of death. But what about a system designed to protect and rescue those children? Today, we’ll talk about who the abortion-seeking woman is, what she needs, and how we can serve her through our pro-life rescue system. The post appeared first on .

The Kingpin of the Abortion Industry

May 04, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Planned Parenthood is the kingpin of the abortion industry. The org’s profit-driven model is all about abortion; and Planned Parenthood’s lobbying, marketing, and cultural prowess keep the rest of the abortion industry from crashing down. The post appeared first on .

Spin Doctors

April 27, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Can you spot a spin? The abortion industry and its complicit media allies have mastered the art of spinning news stories to obscure the humanity of preborn children and sell the lie that abortion is a social good. In this episode, we provide tools for spotting and seeing right through the media spin.  Helpful Resources:   Alabama Abortion Lawsuit Stories:                  Title X Rule Change Stories:  Actual rule change:                AP Stylebook on abortion:     The post appeared first ...

Killing Off Minorities

April 20, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

There is a targeted genocide occurring today, and its weapon of mass destruction is abortion. The African-American community is the most highly targeted people group in this genocide, and it‘s past time for America to end it.  Helpful resources:     The post appeared first on .

The Silence of the Church

April 13, 2019 10:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

The Church’s role in ending the abortion genocide cannot be overstated. If Judeo-Christian believers were to engage in the pro-life movement on a larger scale, they could usher in an immediate end to abortion. Today we discuss why the Church holds back and why this must change.   Helpful resources:   Deliver Us from Abortion:    Deliver Us from Abortion on Amazon:    History of the Pro-Life Movement:   Rev. Sean Martin at The Christian Post:      The post appeared first on .

The Disturbing U.S. Population Control Agenda

March 30, 2019 02:52 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) – part of the federal government – has a long and sordid history of population control efforts that many consider dehumanizing and unethical. Today, we examine the history and practices of the OPA. Helpful Resources: Margaret Sanger’s American Baby Code: https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/webedition/app/documents/show.php?sangerDoc=101807.xml Why Do We Still Have a Federal Office of Population Affairs? https://www.dlinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/20...

The American Baby Code

March 22, 2019 20:47 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Planned Parenthood pretends to stand for the freedom and autonomy of its clients. But at the core of its history is Margaret Sanger, a woman who spent her adult life trying to establish a ruling class to decide who could reproduce, how many children they could have, and who should be sterilized or segregated from society to prevent them from having children. Sanger’s American Baby Code is one example of this horrific plan. Helpful Resources: Margaret Sanger’s American Baby Code: https://www....

Why Defund Planned Parenthood?

March 18, 2019 21:11 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Planned Parenthood relies on government funding to maintain its gargantuan operation. That funding comes from me and from you – and it’s going to Planned Parenthood to the tune of more than half a billion dollars, year after year, whether we like it or not. Helpful Resources: Lozier Institute Research on PP Funding: NIH Grants as Abortion Subsidies: https://thefederalist.com/2019/02/18/trump-administration-needs-yank-federal-funding-research-using-bodies-aborted-babies/ CBS News on Plan...

Pro-Abortion or Pro-Choice?

March 08, 2019 23:58 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Polling continues to ask Americans whether they are pro-choice or pro-life. But abortion supporters have splintered into more- and less-radical camps, so the labels are outdated. What does the future of the abortion movement look like? Helpful Resources: DNC cheers for abortion in 2016: https://www.liveaction.org/news/dnc-cheers-as-naral-president-promotes-her-personal-abortion/ Planned Parenthood president promotes agenda at the DNC: https://www.newsweek.com/democrats-convention-abortion-iss...

Death and All Its Friends

February 28, 2019 22:31 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Advocates of death in America aren’t satisfied with coming after our preborn children. They’re targeting infants, the terminally ill, and more. Helpful Resources: Jennifer Irigoyen’s Story: https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/09/cuomo-abortion-law-alleged-murder-charges/ Stephanie Packer’s Story: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/20/assisted-suicide-law-prompts-insurance-company-den/ The post appeared first on .

Feelings, Facts, and Abortion

February 22, 2019 20:50 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Infanticide and abortion have been hot topics so far in 2019. The debates over both remind us that we can’t let our emotions override our commitment to justice Helpful Resources: New York’s Reproductive Health Act: Virginia infanticide scandal: Ben Sasse’s attempt to ban infanticide: IVF Clinic Thought Experiment: The Good Samaritan: The post appeared first on .

Christian, Pro-Life, and Political?

February 15, 2019 17:37 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Is it worthwhile for pro-life believers to engage in politics in a time when pro-life political progress can seem elusive and frustrating? Would it be better to sit out of the political process, or is there a reason to stay engaged? On this episode of ‘The Human Element,’ we discuss. Helpful Resources: Elie Wiesel quote: http://eliewieselfoundation.org/elie-wiesel/nobelprizespeech/ Millennials polled on abortion: https://www.instituteforprolifeadvancement.com/2019-white-paper Democratic Platf...

What if They Were Toddlers?

February 08, 2019 17:17 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

If 3,000 toddlers were violently killed every day in America, what would our response be? Would it be different from our response to the reality that 3,000 children are being violently killed each day in America? If so, why? The post appeared first on .

Reach, Rescue, Restore

February 05, 2019 20:17 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

We know the abortion industry seeks and deceives its clients, kills their children, and sends them home empty and broken – both physically and spiritually. This week, Brian discusses the strategy of counteracting the dehumanizing efforts of the abortion industry, by reaching, rescuing, and restoring women and families. Helpful Resources:   Planned Parenthood Annual Report:   National Review Article:   Our biblical mandate to rescue the oppressed:    Human Coalition blog post:     The post ap...

HHS Could Change The Abortion Landscape

January 15, 2019 20:06 - 28 minutes - 39.6 MB

The powerful U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can change the abortion landscape in America. Brian discusses 5 questions pro-lifers should ask HHS to ensure that the children are rescued from abortion under President Trump. Helpful Resources:     Contact HHS Secretary Alex Azar HHS Office of the Secretary  Email:   Phone: 202-690-7000    Contact your Elected Officials   1. What is HHS’s Strategic Plan for Ending the Abortion Crisis?   It is HHS’s job to identify and address...

When Christians Betray the Preborn

January 05, 2019 23:40 - 28 minutes - 39.2 MB

An Episcopal priest is the new leader of a large association of abortionists. The spiritual warfare of abortion is coming into focus more than ever now. The post appeared first on .

The Evolving Abortion Apologetic

December 28, 2018 19:11 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

We can’t ignore the injustice of the abortion genocide. The post appeared first on .

Abortion is Self-Harm

December 10, 2018 19:44 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Abortion is usually sought out of desperation. It kills an innocent child and harms the mother – sometimes permanently. The post appeared first on .

The Horror of Abortion

November 30, 2018 13:22 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

In this episode, we take a sober and realistic look at the methods used to kill preborn children through abortion. Each is horrifying and inhuman. But we must confront this reality as we work to end abortion in our lifetime.   Helpful resources:   Abortion procedures as described by a former abortionist:   Misoprostol label:    Abortion pill reversal:    Abortion pill FDA reports:   Women wounded and traumatized by the abortion pill:    Saline Abortion:   Incidence of chemical abortion:  and ...

Abortion as Industry

November 10, 2018 00:52 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Brian discusses the big business of abortion. Profit-driven abortion businesses have mastered the marketing and sale of abortion, and they use taxpayer subsidies to defray costs, thereby maximizing abortion profits. And once again, Congress and the president have handed Planned Parenthood over half a billion dollars in taxpayer funding. Should We Fund Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood receives a donation to open 2 West Texas facilities: https://www.dallasnews.com/business/health-car...

A Response to Christians Who Support Abortion Rights

November 04, 2018 00:53 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

When we begin to make excuses for why preborn children do not have the same rights as birthed children, we are playing God. So, I ask you to consider that the preborn should have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – regardless of their gender, disability, life situation, or stage in the womb – because all life is sacred and precious to God. The post appeared first on .

Pro-Life Logic 101

October 25, 2018 00:00 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

At some point, virtually every pro-life advocate will find themselves called to defend the pro-life position. Sometimes inquirers are genuinely curious, and other times they’re combative. The good news is that defending life is easy if you know a few principles of logical debate and some key arguments against abortion.   Scott Klusendorf and the Life Training Institute:    Case for Life:    The Equal Rights Institute:   The post appeared first on .

Is America Pro-Life?

October 13, 2018 16:26

When we ask the question, “Is America Pro-Life,” we must look at Congress and ask, “Does Congress accurately represent the views of the American people?” The post appeared first on .

Rescue Requires Sacrifice

September 28, 2018 20:07 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

As humans and believers, we are entrusted with the responsibility to rescue innocent humans from death and destruction. Rescue always requires sacrifice. We cannot rescue the oppressed without giving up something – our time, our pride, our treasure. In this episode, we examine the selflessness of rescuers, and the responsibility we all have to intervene when we’re made aware of injustice – regardless of the cost to self. Chelsea Clinton:   Florence Rescue:  The post appeared first on .

Gosnell’s House of Horrors

September 21, 2018 19:02 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Gosnell’s case highlights the schizophrenia of the American abortion movement. Had Gosnell stuck to butchering only children still inside the womb, he wouldn’t be in prison today. It’s time to wake up and recognize the horrors of killing preborn children in ANY context.   Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report (No longer available at original source; pulled from internet archives)    58 Details from the Grand Jury Report    Fox News 45-minute report on Gosnell:    3801 Lancaster documentary    Semika...

America: Defend Life

September 14, 2018 20:15 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

America’s founding philosophy and documents are rife with the pro-life worldview. Abortion is antithetical to everything America stands for as a nation; but if we do not act, America will lose her identity. What does the Brett Kavanaugh saga say about the direction of America? John Paul II quote    Roe v. Wade episode:  The post appeared first on .

Called to End Abortion

September 07, 2018 23:13 - 29 minutes - 34.7 MB

Scripture and centuries of Judeo-Christian teaching are clear: The Church is the institution called to rescue the oppressed when they are being led away to slaughter. The Church must transform the culture, not kowtow to the status quo. Are you ready? The Role of the Church –   Deliver Us from Abortion –    Church Silence –  The post appeared first on .

Abolition and the Pro-Life Movement

August 10, 2018 21:16 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Rev. Dean Nelson joins Brian to explain how heroic abolitionists strategized and worked together to end slavery. Rev. Nelson also shares what the pro-life movement can learn from the success of the abolitionists. The post appeared first on .

Slavery, Abortion, and Excuses for Injustice

August 03, 2018 19:28 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Slavery and abortion both dehumanize their victims. Both are sustained by egregious justifications for abusing and killing innocent humans. Today, Brian examines a handful of justifications that were used for slavery and are used today for abortion. Dred Scott:  Imani Gandy’s comments:  Willie Parker’s comments:  Calvin Frieburger’s Piece:  Sarah St. Onge:    The post appeared first on .

Roe v. Wade

July 20, 2018 19:11 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Roe v. Wade was a catastrophic Supreme Court decision that precipitated the deaths of over 60 million U.S. children to date. For the first time since 1973, the Supreme Court may be poised to overturn the decision. What was Roe v. Wade, and what would overturning it mean?   Helpful resources:   Roe:     Doe:    Casey:     Griswold:     Good summary of Roe:    Roe doesn’t have widespread support:    Summary of Significant Cases:      Legal critique of Roe from borth sides:    Marist poll:    Ga...

Sex Trafficking and Abortion

July 06, 2018 14:49 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Sex slavery is real and rampant in the United States and across the world. As leaders and activists strategize solutions for ending it, we must ensure that the abortion industry’s role in aiding pimps is exposed and condemned. Helpful resources:                       The post appeared first on .

Plan B: A Drug That Kills

June 29, 2018 21:44 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Plan B is the brand name of a popular hormonal so-called “emergency contraception.” But it’s not just a contraceptive; it has the capacity to end human lives and harm women’s bodies. Helpful resources:         The post appeared first on .

Planned Parenthood Aids Abusers

June 22, 2018 16:21 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

For decades, Planned Parenthood has aided sexual predators by refusing to report the suspected or known abuse of young girls. Planned Parenthood is where rapists go to dispose of the evidence of their chilling crimes, so they can continue preying on their victims. Instead of reporting, Planned Parenthood looks the other way time and again. We must say #TimesUp to Planned Parenthood. Helpful resources:   Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women: AbortionExploitsWomen.com  Live Action Repor...

Fathers Matter

June 17, 2018 14:44 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Why does fatherhood matter? New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson and Brian Fisher exchange thoughts in this special Father’s Day edition of ‘The Human Element Show.’ The post appeared first on .

#MeToo and Abortion

June 08, 2018 19:35 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

Sexual abuse is endemic across multiple industries, and the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements are exposing long-hidden stories to the light of day. But as long as the abortion industry maintains its influence among powerful men, we are unlikely to see the change our culture needs. The post appeared first on .

Rhetoric, Part II

May 18, 2018 19:17 - 28 minutes - 39.1 MB

The abortion industry has long abused language in order to dehumanize the preborn child and sell more abortions. Brian breaks down the insidious nature of this abuse and discusses how pro-lifers can fight back by using language that conveys the whole truth. The post appeared first on .