Previous Episode: Session 70

Audio link Welcome back fellow travelers to Galaxy 666 and our big farewell. Please have your glasses of alco ready to raise for our final toast. To our friend Havah for her help in creating the energy that led to the Galaxy 666 Podcast.  Your enthusiasm and sense of fun gave this project the great […]

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Welcome back fellow travelers to Galaxy 666 and our big farewell.

Please have your glasses of alco ready to raise for our final toast.

To our friend Havah for her help in creating the energy that led to the Galaxy 666 Podcast.  Your enthusiasm and sense of fun gave this project the great initial boost it needed.  It would not have happened without you.

To Darren Nash and the team at Orion Publishing for helping me obtain permission to use Galaxy 666.  Thank you so much for this great opportunity.  For everyone else, please don’t forget about them at  They have many more titles from ‘ole Badger Publishing that deserve a look as well.

To my dear friend Kelly for going through every single session as I was producing them and telling me only what I wanted to hear.  It was always great to get your caustic and drool comments–hopefully one day we will get that chance to buy telescopes and hang-out doing nothing but watching stars.

To Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe for their dedication in writing so much so fast in such a crazy way that they have left behind a fantastic body of fun to explore and enjoy.  I loved Galaxy 666 and always will.  Thank you so much for creating it, and giving me permission to do the podcast.

And finally, to all of you who came out with us on our journey whether that happened now, on 26 June 2015, or sometime in the future.  This podcast wasn’t done to create a following, but it always felt great to see that someone else joined.  I hope you had fun and found it worthwhile.


We have one more session, and best to get to it, so curl-up, turn up the volume, turn down the lights and prepare to veg out.

See you out there, in Galaxy 666.

Your humble guide, TEWG (Japan, 2014)