Previous Episode: Session 69
Next Episode: Session 71

Audio link Welcome back fellow travelers to Galaxy 666. Here is where we end it, the podcast of the worst novel ever written–an unbridled success.  “Success” is a word like “tall,” it means different things to different people.  You may be confused at my pronouncement of the Galaxy 666 Podcast as a “success” so I […]

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Welcome back fellow travelers to Galaxy 666.

Here is where we end it, the podcast of the worst novel ever written–an unbridled success.  “Success” is a word like “tall,” it means different things to different people.  You may be confused at my pronouncement of the Galaxy 666 Podcast as a “success” so I should probably spend a moment defining “success” in this case.

First, and probably most importantly, we did it.  We went from an idea over a dinner table with friends to the completion of a 71 session podcast that will now ride wordpress and internet archives and youtube for as long as they exist.  Creating the podcast involved getting publisher and writer permissions; learning about face-book, twitter, tumblr, audacity, auphonic, Amazon S3, internet archives, feedburner, youtube, Itunes and wordpress–many of which I had never even heard of prior to this.  It involved months of script writing, recording, voice acting (attempted), research and sound editing–much of which was a lot of fun ‘though still demanding.  Throughout I received support and input from friends which really made it a great time, and I have now created something to spur the memories of my kids someday so that they recall the fun we had going through Galaxy 666 a long time ago. To me, that’s success.

And I have to say, that is why I also consider Galaxy 666 a success.  It has been a joy to me, and certainly I have gone far beyond what poor Lionel and Patricia had ever intended, but it usually is for the reader to add their own thoughts to any book they read.

Now, once more into the breach dear friends, once more.

As always, your faithful guide,