12th of Cheshvan, 5782

Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

יהוה נסי

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In this message we compare Game Theory with G-d's Theory! Plus discuss WHY winning your “Game” is important to your health!

We provide some examples of Game Theory and HOW it is used in:

■ Geopolitics
■ Diplomacy
■ Economics
■ Life

Many times sickness is the result of a battle―short term OR prolonged―in which you are involved … or a series of battles. The contention―and associated tension―forms a “wall” which hinders your health!

What happens when you use the G-d's Hebrew Name―YHVH NISSI or ADONAI NISSI―for victory?





"When Moshe's hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up―one on one side and one on the other―so that his hands remained steady until sunset.

So Joshua overcame the Amelekite army with the sword. Then the LORD [Adonai] said to Moshe, “Write this in a book to be remembered, and tell it to Y’hoshua: I will completely blot out any memory of ‘Amalek from under heaven.” 


Moshe built an altar, called it Adonai Nissi [Adonai is my banner / miracle], and said,
“Because their hand was against the throne of Yah, Adonai will fight ‘Amalek generation after generation.”

Torah: Exodus 17:9-15

The strange way in which the battle was won left no doubt as to who was responsible for the victory. Only as the rod of G-d was held aloft in Moshe's hands did the Israelites prevail. The battle was not won by military might or superior battle plans; it was won by the power of G-d.

In Exodus Chapter 17, Moshe knew that the LORD had won the battle. Moshe, Aaron, Hur and the Israelite Army were human instruments … but G-d was the real player. But, how about YOU. What battles are in front of you? And ... are they battles of YOUR own choosing? Or are they battles in which the LORD is leading you?

If the LORD is leading you, you can call upon His Name―YHWH NISSI ... or ADONAI NISSI―and He will give YOU victory!





NOTE: The correct pronunciation of Y-H-V-H was lost during the Talmudic period. The name was used as part of the Temple Service during the First Temple period. During the Second Temple period the name was not used as it was feared that the name would be misused or articulated unlawfully. As a result of this disuse of the Y-H-V-H [Yud Hey Vav Hey] the correct pronunciation of “The Name” was lost.

HASHEM [The Name] is used instead of trying to vocalize Y-H-V-H so as to NOT use G-d's Name in vain, or NOT to say the Holy Name. Since the early Hebrew text did not contain vowels but only consonants, it is NOT known exactly how to pronounce God’s name. The word “LORD” is used for ADONAI.

When the Masoretes wanted to preserve the pronunciation of the words used in the Bible they ran into a problem when YHWH, the proper name of the Lord that was forbidden to be pronounced, occurred. To circumvent the problem, the Masoretes inserted the vowel symbols that go with adonai, indicating that whenever the reader saw YHWH, he had to say adonai.

Adonai is a form of the word “adon,” which comes from a root word meaning "to rule." So adon means "lord or master." Adonai is a form of adon that is both plural and possessive. Since Adonai uses singular pronouns when it refers to G-d, we know that G-d is one master, not many.

When later readers saw the name YHWH combined with the symbols for adonai, they erroneously concluded that YHWH was to be pronounced as Jehovah.


The all-capital LORD is the representation of YHWH, the personal name of G-d. His Name "YHVH NISSI" in Hebrew means "The LORD (is) my Banner."


The Almighty, Blessed be Ha Shem, knows when you want or need to call out to Him for deliverance in your battle(s). Specifically, He―as Leader of the Forces of HaShem―knows what YOU mean when you call unto Him with passion, need and respect!

Simply call out, “ADONAI NISSI, I need your help! Please Deliver me in this battle and give me victory!” If this offends your conscience, or religious conviction, then do as you feel is reverent and appropriate … but CRY OUT to “The LORD your Banner” for help!

G-d is Holy … BUT He is practical. He would rather see you delivered than for you to be confused with phraseology! You can always say, “LORD I need HELP. You're my BANNER!”


For many years I ignorantly used Game Theory in an attempt to win my battles and plan my future. If you're not familiar with Game Theory, I will give you a simple explanation. Basically, Game Theory is used for the following:

■ To secure the best achievement, or most advantageous position. (In economics, battles or life situations.)

■ To act or NOT act; i.e., Diplomacy or War Action.

■ Mini-Max strategy: stopping the worst possible outcome from happening.

■ Create an impasse, or wall by which the opponent can NOT pass or proceed.

Let me give you some geopolitical examples. China has much to gain from the demise of the USA and of Israel ... and of the US Dollar, as opposed to India, who only (at this time) wants positioning on the New Global Currency as part of world economic leadership.

However, China has plans in place for the downfall of the USA and Israel in international psychology, or game theory--similar to inter-corporate group dynamics--and based upon the Nash Equilibrium. I have written about this previously in University of Excellence briefings.

But... the BIG determinant in all areas of life is really this: Are we going to use Game Theory or God's Theory?

I choose G-d's Theory (which is NOT really a theory). We should want the complete, the best, and the constant solution!


Many times sickness is the result of a battle―short term OR prolonged―in which you are involved … or a series of battles. The contention―and associated tension―forms a “wall” which hinders your health!

Stress can be brief, situational―and sometimes a positive force motivating performance―but if experienced over an extended period of time it can become chronic stress, which negatively impacts health and well-being.1

Your body’s natural alarm system—the “fight or flight” response—may be stuck in the “ON” position. And that can have serious consequences for your health.



Sometimes, our battles may NOT be G-d assigned. That is, we could be "out of G-d's will" during a short period (or longer) for our lives ... OR ... our decision making process has been (or is) faulty. In other words, are we walking daily in and with His Spirit? Are we asking for His guidance?

Your body’s natural alarm system—the “fight or flight” response—may be stuck in the “ON” position. And that can have serious consequences for your health. Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses—especially anger—can trigger heart attacks, abnormalities and even sudden death.1

Also, the fact that you MAY be fighting a battle that is NOT G-d assigned can mean that you are out of G-d's will even―if temporarily―with the result being that your prayers are being hindered … prayers for healing included!


If perchance you think the battle is of your own "choosing" and NOT G-d assigned, I have the answer for you. Ask G-d what to do ... then turn the situation―the battle―over to Him.

Especially in decision-making, it is important to know for sure! I have written a book which has helped many people, titled Decision Making 101: Know for Sure! When we know we are in the perfect center of G-d's will for our lives, we have confidence to call upon His Name―ADONAI NISSI―for leading, wisdom ... and victory. Like Moshe, we know we will have the victory! All we have to do is follow His instructions!

This is where the POINT OF DECISION is so important. Learn to ACT towards G-d at the point of decision. My mother used to say, "You should have nipped it in the bud." We are continuously growing forests: either negatively or positively. What happens when you use ONE of G-d's Hebrew Names―ADONAI NISSI―for victory?

If your plans fit into G-d’s plans …

You will have G-d’s faith …

And, G-d’s faith always works!

Find out G-d’s plans by reading and studying His Holy Word daily: His plans for YOU, for your relationships, for desired accomplishments …and for your work.

I trust this teaching will help you to know that YOU can rely on ADONAI NISSI. It has worked for me! Let Him be YOUR victory. Be free of contention and receive your healing!

Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

Copyright © Prince Handley 2021

NOTE 1: Don't miss this SPECIAL on my 8 BOOK PROPHECY SERIES

NOTE 2: Reference: A Beautiful Mind; the story of John Nash; movie and book, Sylvia Nasar; Simon & Schuster.

REFERENCE: 1 Krantz, D.S., Whittaker, K.S. & Sheps, D.S. (2011). “Psychosocial risk factors for coronary artery disease: Pathophysiologic mechanisms.” In Heart and Mind: Evolution of Cardiac Psychology. Washington, DC


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