PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel
with Prince Handley


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There are several music beds in this podcast.
The podcast is not over just because you hear music.
It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings!


24/7 release of Prince Handley blogs, teachings, and podcasts >>> STREAM

@page { margin: 0.79in }
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Come on, Bibi, you're 60 years old
now. Start acting like it. Recently you've been acting like a 12 year
old waiting for Bar Mitzvah. What happened to your chutzpah?! You
might want to read The Joys of Yiddish again.

What would your brother, Yonatan,
think of the way you're acting? Or, are you playing a script written
by your brother, Iddo?

Look at what's been
happening. (By the way, I realize you were the only PM born after
the State of Israel was founded.) However, if you don't change your
course, and if you don't stand up and act as the man you once were,
you may have to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut
next year as Nakba Day
in East Jerusalem.
You're going to have to decide … for yourself and
for the Israeli People … if you want
to experience pride or pain, joy or agony?

Bibi, you are in
bein hashamashot
right now. You are standing between day and evening. [Talmud Bavli,
Masekhet Brakhot 2b] Are you, going to bring the trophy home or lose
the game? Remember, the prize is NOT yours: it belongs to the People
of Israel.

Bibi, you are to represent G-d, not
Haman. Stop giving in to the US, the UN, and the EU.


1. Except for the the Russian-made
Tor-M 1 short-range interceptor, Iran's air defense systems are
outdated and pretty useless against US stealth bombers or the Israeli
air force's electronic jamming instruments.

2. The Iranian air force has nowhere
near the capacity to take on US or Israeli air might.

3. Most of the research laboratories
working on the development of nuclear weapons and missiles have been
- or are being – moved to subterranean locations.

4. Bogus installations have been
planted not far from genuine plants to mislead assailants.

5. Ballistic missiles and the missiles
distributed to its Middle East allies, Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah
and the Palestinian Hamas will be Iran's first response to attack:
The Israeli air force AND missile and radar as well as the
Israel-based US military facilities. The result will be that Israeli
warplanes will have no facilities to come back to and its missiles
are knocked off their launch pads.

6. Iran's nuclear facilities are
susceptible to attack, including the uranium enrichment center at
Natanz, the Isfahan fuel plants in Isfahan, the facilities in
northern Tehran, and the reactors being constructed in Arak opposite
the Straits of Hormuz.

7. You will be a hero: a G-d sent
deliverer for Israel.

<span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Arial;">
@page { margin: 0.79in }
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how G-d used Gideon to deliver Israel, Bibi. Gideon started out to go
to war with 32,000 men. And G-d told him to reduce his forces over 99
percent: down to 300 men. Why? So G-d would get the glory! You can
read this account in Judges Chapter Three – or, Sefer
Shoftim ספר

The LORD is
waiting, Bibi, for the right man and the right time to attack Iran
with such force and MIRACLES … real miracles … that only the G-d
of Israel will receive the glory. The time is right, Bibi. The
question is: Are you the right man? Will you trust G-d for the


1. Israel has to attack preemptively.
You have no (natural) security against multi-directional missiles.

2. Demolish the missiles Syria,
Hizballah and the Hamas have been steadily stockpiling.

3. Totally devastate Lebanon, Syria,
and Gaza.

4. Choose between striking Iran's
ballistic missile bases or the missiles pointing at Israel from
Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, as well dealing with hostile ships
facing Israel from a fifth direction, the Mediterranean. The NEW
Israeli unmanned stealth craft “Protector SV” (or “Death
Shark”) must be clandestinely operative in the Mediterranean.

Stop hindering the IDF from doing their job. In the time of the
judges - ספר
שופטים -
Ehud was a deliverer for the children of Israel. However, the Ehud
you're working with, Bibi, is more of a deliverer for terrorists and
the enemies of Israel: he's offering them bagels. Stop
Ehud Barak from restricting the IDF.

6.The US and the EU will not control
Abbas. Bibi, you must.

7. Stop freezing construction on the
West Bank. Why sell your own people down the river?!

It has been a privilege talking with
you again, Bibi.

Now … It's time for your Bar
Mitzvah. Become a man!

Your friend,
Prince Handley

Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

Podcast time: 10 minutes, 16 seconds

SKYPE: prince.handley

Follow Prince Handley on Twitter

Subscribe to The Healing and Miracle Podcast here:  SUBSCRIBE  

Subscribe to The Voice of Israel Podcast here: SUBSCRIBE
For FREE literature to distribute (tell us what language you need), write to:


     P.O. Box A

     Downey, CA 90241


Healing and Miracle Podcast: www.healing.libsyn.com

Voice of Israel Podcast: www.podcastsatellite.libsyn.com

Israel News and Prophecy: www.podcastsatellite.com

Rabbinical Studies: www.realmiracles.com/rabbinical.htm

If you need healing, deliverance, or prayer, email to: [email protected]




You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 10 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later.

For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/

After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messagespreviously in the Archives (with Show Notes).

There are several music beds in this podcast.The podcast is not over just because you hear music.It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings!


24/7 release of Prince Handley blogs, teachings, and podcasts >>> STREAM

@page { margin: 0.79in }
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Come on, Bibi, you're 60 years old
now. Start acting like it. Recently you've been acting like a 12 year
old waiting for Bar Mitzvah. What happened to your chutzpah?! You
might want to read The Joys of Yiddish again.

What would your brother, Yonatan,
think of the way you're acting? Or, are you playing a script written
by your brother, Iddo?

Look at what's been
happening. (By the way, I realize you were the only PM born after
the State of Israel was founded.) However, if you don't change your
course, and if you don't stand up and act as the man you once were,
you may have to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut
next year as Nakba Day
in East Jerusalem.
You're going to have to decide … for yourself and
for the Israeli People … if you want
to experience pride or pain, joy or agony?

Bibi, you are in
bein hashamashot
right now. You are standing between day and evening. [Talmud Bavli,
Masekhet Brakhot 2b] Are you, going to bring the trophy home or lose
the game? Remember, the prize is NOT yours: it belongs to the People
of Israel.

Bibi, you are to represent G-d, not
Haman. Stop giving in to the US, the UN, and the EU.


1. Except for the the Russian-made
Tor-M 1 short-range interceptor, Iran's air defense systems are
outdated and pretty useless against US stealth bombers or the Israeli
air force's electronic jamming instruments.

2. The Iranian air force has nowhere
near the capacity to take on US or Israeli air might.

3. Most of the research laboratories
working on the development of nuclear weapons and missiles have been
- or are being – moved to subterranean locations.

4. Bogus installations have been
planted not far from genuine plants to mislead assailants.

5. Ballistic missiles and the missiles
distributed to its Middle East allies, Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah
and the Palestinian Hamas will be Iran's first response to attack:
The Israeli air force AND missile and radar as well as the
Israel-based US military facilities. The result will be that Israeli
warplanes will have no facilities to come back to and its missiles
are knocked off their launch pads.

6. Iran's nuclear facilities are
susceptible to attack, including the uranium enrichment center at
Natanz, the Isfahan fuel plants in Isfahan, the facilities in
northern Tehran, and the reactors being constructed in Arak opposite
the Straits of Hormuz.

7. You will be a hero: a G-d sent
deliverer for Israel.

<span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Arial;">
@page { margin: 0.79in }
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }

how G-d used Gideon to deliver Israel, Bibi. Gideon started out to go
to war with 32,000 men. And G-d told him to reduce his forces over 99
percent: down to 300 men. Why? So G-d would get the glory! You can
read this account in Judges Chapter Three – or, Sefer
Shoftim ספר

The LORD is
waiting, Bibi, for the right man and the right time to attack Iran
with such force and MIRACLES … real miracles … that only the G-d
of Israel will receive the glory. The time is right, Bibi. The
question is: Are you the right man? Will you trust G-d for the


1. Israel has to attack preemptively.
You have no (natural) security against multi-directional missiles.

2. Demolish the missiles Syria,
Hizballah and the Hamas have been steadily stockpiling.

3. Totally devastate Lebanon, Syria,
and Gaza.

4. Choose between striking Iran's
ballistic missile bases or the missiles pointing at Israel from
Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, as well dealing with hostile ships
facing Israel from a fifth direction, the Mediterranean. The NEW
Israeli unmanned stealth craft “Protector SV” (or “Death
Shark”) must be clandestinely operative in the Mediterranean.

Stop hindering the IDF from doing their job. In the time of the
judges - ספר
שופטים -
Ehud was a deliverer for the children of Israel. However, the Ehud
you're working with, Bibi, is more of a deliverer for terrorists and
the enemies of Israel: he's offering them bagels. Stop
Ehud Barak from restricting the IDF.

6.The US and the EU will not control
Abbas. Bibi, you must.

7. Stop freezing construction on the
West Bank. Why sell your own people down the river?!

It has been a privilege talking with
you again, Bibi.

Now … It's time for your Bar
Mitzvah. Become a man!

Your friend,Prince Handley

Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

Podcast time: 10 minutes, 16 seconds

SKYPE: prince.handley

Follow Prince Handley on Twitter

Subscribe to The Healing and Miracle Podcast here:  SUBSCRIBE  

Subscribe to The Voice of Israel Podcast here: SUBSCRIBEFor FREE literature to distribute (tell us what language you need), write to:

     P.O. Box A
     Downey, CA 90241

Healing and Miracle Podcast: www.healing.libsyn.com

Voice of Israel Podcast: www.podcastsatellite.libsyn.com

Israel News and Prophecy: www.podcastsatellite.com

Rabbinical Studies: www.realmiracles.com/rabbinical.htm

If you need healing, deliverance, or prayer, email to: [email protected]


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