PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel
with Prince Handley



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Islam will likely be the catalyst which will bring about the one world government. Muslim terrorism is now global. You will begin to see the loss of your right to privacy. Israel and the USA will be the key targets of this attack. Islamic terrorism will be the active agent to frighten people into wanting a one world governing body. The Koran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims (Jews and Christians). In exchange for being allowed to build her Temple, Israel will sign a peace treaty with the coming world leader: the false-messiah (the beast). A review of the historic world powers and their treatment of Israel ... and how New Babylon will arise from the new Islamic 10 nation confederacy.

While conducting teaching seminars, and through feedback from the seminars through the years, I have discovered that real growth of individuals who trust in G-d is directly related to teaching concerning end time prophecy . . . particularly as it relates to the time in which we live: the last days.

I have seen young men and women grow into seasoned leaders for the Lord in the last 40 years as they learned about the plan of G-d for Israel and for the last days. Because of this I have been instructed by the Spirit to give a brief overview in the next two podcasts. There will be material in these podcasts ... and in the show notes ... that you will probably NOT find in seminary libraries or in Jewish or Christian bookstores, particularly where it relates to Islam.

Because of the urgency of the need for this instruction in the Body of Messiah, I will be releasing these podcasts with show notes in a format which you can use for training others in your synagogues, churches or fellowships. The title of this podcast, Babylon, The Harlot, Exposed - Part 1, is just that: I am going to show you certain details of the harlot Babylon that are NOT covered by usual dispensational or theological exegesis. Babylon, as in the past so in the future, is the enemy of Israel ... and is about to appear on the scene.

- Prince Handley


A summary of the the historic temporal or civil powers of the world is as follows:

I.   The first Babylonian Empire was founded by Nimrod. From the people of this empire, come ALL the empires of the world. G-d confounded the language of the people and scattered them abroad to his predetermined boundaries of ethnicity (the nations). (Torah - Genesis 11)

II.  The people of Israel were set apart by G-d. Bible prophecy deals with the nations as they affect the Israelites (or the nation of Israel) in one way or another.

III. The first major empire to persecute Israel was of course Egypt. This empire was NOT included in Daniel’s prophecy. (Daniel Chapter 2)

IV. The second major empire to persecute Israel was Assyria. It was by Assyria that the Israelites of the northern Kingdom of Israel were taken into captivity. This empire was NOT included in Daniel’s prophecy.

V.  The third major empire which persecuted the Israelites was the second Babylonian Empire. It was under this empire that the Israelites in the southern Kingdom of Judah were taken into captivity. This empire was the FIRST in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms. You can read this in the Tanakh, in the Book of Daniel, the Prophet, Chapter Two. It was represented by the head of gold.

Note: The reason Daniel started with the second Babylonian Empire was that this was during his lifetime and pertained to the interpretation of dreams and dream-visions that dealt with this empire and subsequent empires up to the end times.

VI.   The fourth major empire and the SECOND in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms was Medo-Persia. It was represented by the breast and arms of silver.

VII.  The fifth major empire and the THIRD in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms was Greece. It was represented by the belly and thighs of brass.

VIII.  The sixth major empire and the FOURTH in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms was the Roman Empire. It was represented by the legs of iron and ... NEXT ...
  IX. The feet part of iron and clay in Daniel's vision represent a revived Islamic Caliphate in the latter days ... (of which we have entered). It's interesting to note that the etymological use of "arab" refers to the "mixed people to the East of Israel." Iron and clay do NOT mix.

REMEMBER THE ABOVE SUMMARY OF HISTORIC POWERS AS IT IS A KEY TO UNDERSTANDING THE SEVEN (7) HEADS OF THE BEAST UPON WHICH THE HARLOT, BABYLON, RIDES.   Let us compare Daniel's vision in Chapter 7 (and his interpretation Of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel Chapter 2) with the seven (7) heads upon which the woman - Babylon - sits in Revelation 17:

The seven (7) heads are:

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon (the second Babylonian Empire) - 1st Empire Head

4. Medo-Persia - 2nd Empire Head

5. Greece - 3rd Empire Head

6. Rome - 4th Empire Head

7. Islam divided: Sunni, Shia, ISIS - "Mixed iron and clay" in Daniel 2; "Ten horns of Daniel 7); the Ten Regional Islamic Confederacy.

Most students of Bible prophecy agree now that in the last days there will be a reconstituted, or revised, Islamic Caliphate. This is mostly because of the dream-visions and interpretations in Daniel Chapters Two and Seven. Many liberal and neo-orthodox theologians attempt to discount the validity of Daniel as a prophet; however, Yeshua  gave validation to Daniel’s prophetic office when He, as Israel’s Messiah, taught concerning the last days [Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14]. Mashiach Yeshua (Messiah Jesus also referred to the Prophet Daniel in His teaching, thereby giving validity to Daniel as a prophet.)

Many conservative or evangelical scholars surmised in the past that the geo-political area encompassed previously by the Roman Empire rule would be revived and be the arena from which the anti-Christ, or false Messiah, would arise. However, certain situations that are being played out today forge an entirely different set of circumstances while still emanating from the geographic confines of Eastern Europe (Turkey), the Middle East and North Africa.

May I suggest to you that the predominant force arising from the area of the eastern extension of the old Roman Empire and the Middle East is none other than Islam, a religion spawned in Hell by Satan: a religion based upon the teachings of a false prophet, Muhammad, and the false god, Allah.   NOTE: The majority of soldiers in the Roman Army who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD / CE were from Syria, Egypt and Arabia. They were transcripts. These were "the people of the prince who shall come" described in Daniel 9:26. Therefore, the "prince who shall come" -- the anti-christ -- will be from the Middle East.
  Right now in Europe there are hundreds of Islamic schools. The geographic confines described composed of parts of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and part of North Africa (Libya and North Sudan) will be the sling from which the false-messiah ... or, the anti-christ ... will be thrust. He could likely be of Syrian Greek background.

The main point to realize, however, is that Islam will likely be the catalyst which will bring about the one world government.  Let me explain:

1. Muslim terrorism is now global.

2. Pertaining to people in the USA, you are already beginning to see the loss of your right to privacy. The Department of Homeland Security and The Patriot Act - even though established out of NEED and for the GOOD of the populace - are still instruments that can and may one day be used for invasion of privacy of Christians.

3. Islam is the #1 force in the drive to one world government. Islamic terrorism will be the active agent to frighten people into wanting a one world governing body for protection.

People around the world will want peace and safety and will be willing to give up their constitutional rights for it. This will be the caveat for the Jews and Israel when the coming world leader (chosen by the New World Governance) tricks Israel into signing a seven (7) year treaty with the conciliation that Israel can build the Temple. However, it will be with a great price. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child." (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Daniel 9:27 and Jeremiah also spoke about this.

People will say, “Give me peace . . . leave me and my money alone . . . and let me retire in style."

4. Muslim terrorism is being used in the media to EQUATE to fundamentalism. Just the other day I heard a news commentator say that there are fundamentalists in all religions . . . and used the example of “Christian fundamentalists."

The Koran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims, and this especially promotes an anti-Jewish, anti-Christian concept! Christian fundamentalism AND Jewish fundamentalism, especially Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, will not only be the targets of Islam, but of an ever increasing cross section of global society. Born-again (real) Christians will not be persecuted because they are Christians, but because they are considered fundamentalists ... terrorists by society at large; likewise Hasidic and Orthodox Jews.

Yeshivahs, seminaries, Christian publishers, church movements are selling out and have embraced themselves in the tentacles of the one world religion. One major evangelical seminary recently accepted government money but had to sign an agreement that they would no longer teach students to convert Muslims. Churches are conducting surveys asking people what they should throw out or add in to get people in the community to come to church. Be careful when the world loves the church!

Over twenty years ago Francis Schaeffer said, “Americans, just like Germans in the days before the Nazis, will be influenced to give up their constitutional privileges in exchange for (personal) peace (or, affluence)."  What he was saying is that Americans will give up their freedom that was bought with the blood of their forefathers because they don’t want their life styles to be disturbed. They want to be at peace!

Dr. Robert Morey believes that this may be the LAST generation of Americans that knows freedom and the first that knows tyranny (via the courts, legislation, and martial forces). He states, “We are living in a watershed moment of history like a Christian ostrich!" And may I say here that Israel needs to wake up and stop giving in to the demands of the Palestinians, the Arabs, the UN, the EU, and the USA.


Podcast time: 13 minutes, 7 seconds (with music)
Podcast size: 12.0 MB   >>> Go to "Babylon, the Enemy of Israel, Exposed - Part 2"


Prince Handley EDITOR'S NOTE: Do NOT be so concerned with the "666" in the Brit Chadashah being a numerical equivalent to the name of the False Messiah (anti-Christ). REASON: In Yochanan's day (when he received the Revelation from Mashiach Yeshua) he wrote "what he SAW." NOTICE ALSO: He could have seen Arabic (the 666) written from "right to left" instead of Greek. Also, the Greek word for "number" is "arithmos" and could mean "multitude." Therefore, if he SAW Arabic (instead of Greek "666") the whole meaning of the passage in Revelation 13:18 would change to: " ... the multitude in the name of allah." WHY? Because the Arabic could be "X" showing two crossed swords. Islamic warriors wear the armband of "allah" on their forehead and on their right arm when they go to war "in the name of allah." QUESTION: Did the Ruach Elohim (the Spirit of God) show ahead of time the growth and evil world goals of Islam 500 years before it originated through satanic inspiration of Muhammad?

Copyright © Prince Handley 2011
All rights reserved.



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Click the center of the pod circle at top left ... (allow images to display). Listen now  ... or download for later.

After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes).

There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is not over just because you hear music.

Please email this message to a friend. 24/7 release of Prince Handley BLOGS, teachings and podcasts >>> STREAM   Text:  "follow princehandley"  to 40404 (in USA)

Or, Twitter: princehandley

    DESCRIPTION: Islam will likely be the catalyst which will bring about the one world government. Muslim terrorism is now global. You will begin to see the loss of your right to privacy. Israel and the USA will be the key targets of this attack. Islamic terrorism will be the active agent to frighten people into wanting a one world governing body. The Koran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims (Jews and Christians). In exchange for being allowed to build her Temple, Israel will sign a peace treaty with the coming world leader: the false-messiah (the beast). A review of the historic world powers and their treatment of Israel ... and how New Babylon will arise from the new Islamic 10 nation confederacy.   PREFACE While conducting teaching seminars, and through feedback from the seminars through the years, I have discovered that real growth of individuals who trust in G-d is directly related to teaching concerning end time prophecy . . . particularly as it relates to the time in which we live: the last days. I have seen young men and women grow into seasoned leaders for the Lord in the last 40 years as they learned about the plan of G-d for Israel and for the last days. Because of this I have been instructed by the Spirit to give a brief overview in the next two podcasts. There will be material in these podcasts ... and in the show notes ... that you will probably NOT find in seminary libraries or in Jewish or Christian bookstores, particularly where it relates to Islam. Because of the urgency of the need for this instruction in the Body of Messiah, I will be releasing these podcasts with show notes in a format which you can use for training others in your synagogues, churches or fellowships. The title of this podcast, Babylon, The Harlot, Exposed - Part 1, is just that: I am going to show you certain details of the harlot Babylon that are NOT covered by usual dispensational or theological exegesis. Babylon, as in the past so in the future, is the enemy of Israel ... and is about to appear on the scene. - Prince Handley BABYLON, THE HARLOT: HER ORIGIN A summary of the the historic temporal or civil powers of the world is as follows: I.   The first Babylonian Empire was founded by Nimrod. From the people of this empire, come ALL the empires of the world. G-d confounded the language of the people and scattered them abroad to his predetermined boundaries of ethnicity (the nations). (Torah - Genesis 11) II.  The people of Israel were set apart by G-d. Bible prophecy deals with the nations as they affect the Israelites (or the nation of Israel) in one way or another. III. The first major empire to persecute Israel was of course Egypt. This empire was NOT included in Daniel’s prophecy. (Daniel Chapter 2) IV. The second major empire to persecute Israel was Assyria. It was by Assyria that the Israelites of the northern Kingdom of Israel were taken into captivity. This empire was NOT included in Daniel’s prophecy. V.  The third major empire which persecuted the Israelites was the second Babylonian Empire. It was under this empire that the Israelites in the southern Kingdom of Judah were taken into captivity. This empire was the FIRST in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms. You can read this in the Tanakh, in the Book of Daniel, the Prophet, Chapter Two. It was represented by the head of gold. Note: The reason Daniel started with the second Babylonian Empire was that this was during his lifetime and pertained to the interpretation of dreams and dream-visions that dealt with this empire and subsequent empires up to the end times. VI.   The fourth major empire and the SECOND in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms was Medo-Persia. It was represented by the breast and arms of silver. VII.  The fifth major empire and the THIRD in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms was Greece. It was represented by the belly and thighs of brass. VIII.  The sixth major empire and the FOURTH in Daniel’s series of four kingdoms was the Roman Empire. It was represented by the legs of iron and ... NEXT ...   IX. The feet part of iron and clay in Daniel's vision represent a revived Islamic Caliphate in the latter days ... (of which we have entered). It's interesting to note that the etymological use of "arab" refers to the "mixed people to the East of Israel." Iron and clay do NOT mix. REMEMBER THE ABOVE SUMMARY OF HISTORIC POWERS AS IT IS A KEY TO UNDERSTANDING THE SEVEN (7) HEADS OF THE BEAST UPON WHICH THE HARLOT, BABYLON, RIDES.   Let us compare Daniel's vision in Chapter 7 (and his interpretation Of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel Chapter 2) with the seven (7) heads upon which the woman - Babylon - sits in Revelation 17:

The seven (7) heads are:

1. Egypt 2. Assyria 3. Babylon (the second Babylonian Empire) - 1st Empire Head 4. Medo-Persia - 2nd Empire Head 5. Greece - 3rd Empire Head 6. Rome - 4th Empire Head 7. Islam divided: Sunni, Shia, ISIS - "Mixed iron and clay" in Daniel 2; "Ten horns of Daniel 7); the Ten Regional Islamic Confederacy. Most students of Bible prophecy agree now that in the last days there will be a reconstituted, or revised, Islamic Caliphate. This is mostly because of the dream-visions and interpretations in Daniel Chapters Two and Seven. Many liberal and neo-orthodox theologians attempt to discount the validity of Daniel as a prophet; however, Yeshua  gave validation to Daniel’s prophetic office when He, as Israel’s Messiah, taught concerning the last days [Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14]. Mashiach Yeshua (Messiah Jesus also referred to the Prophet Daniel in His teaching, thereby giving validity to Daniel as a prophet.) Many conservative or evangelical scholars surmised in the past that the geo-political area encompassed previously by the Roman Empire rule would be revived and be the arena from which the anti-Christ, or false Messiah, would arise. However, certain situations that are being played out today forge an entirely different set of circumstances while still emanating from the geographic confines of Eastern Europe (Turkey), the Middle East and North Africa. May I suggest to you that the predominant force arising from the area of the eastern extension of the old Roman Empire and the Middle East is none other than Islam, a religion spawned in Hell by Satan: a religion based upon the teachings of a false prophet, Muhammad, and the false god, Allah.   NOTE: The majority of soldiers in the Roman Army who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD / CE were from Syria, Egypt and Arabia. They were transcripts. These were "the people of the prince who shall come" described in Daniel 9:26. Therefore, the "prince who shall come" -- the anti-christ -- will be from the Middle East.   Right now in Europe there are hundreds of Islamic schools. The geographic confines described composed of parts of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and part of North Africa (Libya and North Sudan) will be the sling from which the false-messiah ... or, the anti-christ ... will be thrust. He could likely be of Syrian Greek background. The main point to realize, however, is that Islam will likely be the catalyst which will bring about the one world government.  Let me explain: 1. Muslim terrorism is now global. 2. Pertaining to people in the USA, you are already beginning to see the loss of your right to privacy. The Department of Homeland Security and The Patriot Act - even though established out of NEED and for the GOOD of the populace - are still instruments that can and may one day be used for invasion of privacy of Christians. 3. Islam is the #1 force in the drive to one world government. Islamic terrorism will be the active agent to frighten people into wanting a one world governing body for protection. People around the world will want peace and safety and will be willing to give up their constitutional rights for it. This will be the caveat for the Jews and Israel when the coming world leader (chosen by the New World Governance) tricks Israel into signing a seven (7) year treaty with the conciliation that Israel can build the Temple. However, it will be with a great price. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child." (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Daniel 9:27 and Jeremiah also spoke about this. People will say, “Give me peace . . . leave me and my money alone . . . and let me retire in style." 4. Muslim terrorism is being used in the media to EQUATE to fundamentalism. Just the other day I heard a news commentator say that there are fundamentalists in all religions . . . and used the example of “Christian fundamentalists." The Koran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims, and this especially promotes an anti-Jewish, anti-Christian concept! Christian fundamentalism AND Jewish fundamentalism, especially Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, will not only be the targets of Islam, but of an ever increasing cross section of global society. Born-again (real) Christians will not be persecuted because they are Christians, but because they are considered fundamentalists ... terrorists by society at large; likewise Hasidic and Orthodox Jews. Yeshivahs, seminaries, Christian publishers, church movements are selling out and have embraced themselves in the tentacles of the one world religion. One major evangelical seminary recently accepted government money but had to sign an agreement that they would no longer teach students to convert Muslims. Churches are conducting surveys asking people what they should throw out or add in to get people in the community to come to church. Be careful when the world loves the church! Over twenty years ago Francis Schaeffer said, “Americans, just like Germans in the days before the Nazis, will be influenced to give up their constitutional privileges in exchange for (personal) peace (or, affluence)."  What he was saying is that Americans will give up their freedom that was bought with the blood of their forefathers because they don’t want their life styles to be disturbed. They want to be at peace! Dr. Robert Morey believes that this may be the LAST generation of Americans that knows freedom and the first that knows tyranny (via the courts, legislation, and martial forces). He states, “We are living in a watershed moment of history like a Christian ostrich!" And may I say here that Israel needs to wake up and stop giving in to the demands of the Palestinians, the Arabs, the UN, the EU, and the USA. IN THE NEXT EPISODE I WILL REVEAL TO YOU THE IDENTITY OF BABYLON, THE HARLOT ... HER SUPPORT SYSTEM ... AND HOW SHE WILL ULTIMATELY BE DESTROYED BY YAHWEH, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. IN THE MEANTIME, ISRAEL NEEDS TO TAKE A DEFINITIVE STAND TO OPPOSE ANY NATION, GOVERNMENT, OR ENTITY THAT WOULD TRY TO TAKE AWAY HER LAND WHICH IS RIGHTFULLY HERS BY:  1. VICTORY IN WAR; AND 2. BY PROMISE OF G-D. Podcast time: 13 minutes, 7 seconds (with music) Podcast size: 12.0 MB   >>> Go to "Babylon, the Enemy of Israel, Exposed - Part 2"


Prince Handley EDITOR'S NOTE: Do NOT be so concerned with the "666" in the Brit Chadashah being a numerical equivalent to the name of the False Messiah (anti-Christ). REASON: In Yochanan's day (when he received the Revelation from Mashiach Yeshua) he wrote "what he SAW." NOTICE ALSO: He could have seen Arabic (the 666) written from "right to left" instead of Greek. Also, the Greek word for "number" is "arithmos" and could mean "multitude." Therefore, if he SAW Arabic (instead of Greek "666") the whole meaning of the passage in Revelation 13:18 would change to: " ... the multitude in the name of allah." WHY? Because the Arabic could be "X" showing two crossed swords. Islamic warriors wear the armband of "allah" on their forehead and on their right arm when they go to war "in the name of allah." QUESTION: Did the Ruach Elohim (the Spirit of God) show ahead of time the growth and evil world goals of Islam 500 years before it originated through satanic inspiration of Muhammad?

Copyright © Prince Handley 2011 All rights reserved.



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