Luke is a young man who has loves competitive shooting and his podcast features news for gun enthusiasts with a splash of politics.

First Impression: Website

Their WordPress theme is from Cyber Chimps and it was simple and easy to read with just a few touches of advertising. You have to click on a post to get to a player. For me I would use or to get a player for people to click on toe listen to one (or more) episodes without clicking on a post. I prefer them to open in a new window for those people who listen at work.

First Impression: Podcast

We listened to episode 48, and the show starts off with some high energy music. The host Luke brought some energy to the microphone. For me, I hate music for the sake of music. So you could go to a site like and get some affordable voice over (or check out Music Radio Creative ). They had a bit of “chit chat” at the beginning that was barely gun related (but it was short). Both hosts have good voices, their audio sounds good.

The bad news is they have the dreaded blue music note of death. This means you are not adding your ID3 tags before you upload your file to libsyn.

Do You Like Guns?

I am not a huge guns person. I can take them or leave them. Consequently, I am not their target audience (a point I repeat too often in the episode). They use a lot of jargon that I have no idea if they know what they are talking about. They seem to have an active Facebook page (620+ likes) and 17 five start reviews in iTunes. Their audience seems to think they provide a no jargon, straightforward approach. If you are pro gun, and are interested in competitive shooting, this is the podcast for you.

Don’t Assume Too Much

While I may not be there target audience, don’t always assume people have read your blog, or heard the latest news. You can always give a quick two sentence paraphrase of the top story before giving you opinion.

Say No To Feedburner

I didn’t mention this on the podcast, but I see their feed is being run through Feedburner. This was a good idea in 2005, but not in 2013. You’re using Blubrry, use that plugin for your feed as well.

Check Out the Podcast

You can find them at You can subscribe to the Triangle Tactical – Guns | Gear | Concealed Carry | Competitive Shooting