Bonus Ep RSS feed only - Rob Walch interviewed on The Long Short Way.


Per Ep 93 of the feed - here is an example of an episode added to the Feeds Feed via the enclosure tag sent from the host of The Long Short Way.


The process of adding in an episode to your libsyn feed - where the media file is delivered from another account is as follows:


1. Select "Add New Text Post" under Content

2. Add in the Title / Subtitle / Description you want. 

3. Go to Schedule / Release Expiration - then Advanced Tab.  Deselect All destinations and then pick just the RSS feed destination.  

4. Go to Advanced Options and in the "Extra Tags" box add in the Enclosure tag provided by the other host - it MUST be the full enclosure tag and not just the URL for the media file. 

5. Click Publish 


That is really all it takes to add in a bonus episode in your feed that is being delivered from another users account.