Next Episode: 179: Who Is NR?

Covering, the Libsyn 5 beta! Get the scoop! News about Player.FM, new hires at Apple, what’s up with iOS 14 for podcasters, what podcast apps support video podcasts? The Podcast Index and of COURSE the latest user agent stats with some surprising preliminary Amazon Music numbers!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email [email protected] or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!


Quick Episode Summary :13 Intro 4:05 PROMO 1: Diabetes Connection 4:45 Rob and Elsie Conversation Elsie has fiber internet! Libsyn wants YOU! Join the beta New destination! Player.FM is here! Apple has a new Head of Creator Partnership for Apple Podcasts What’s up for podcasters on iOS 14? Amazon Music is live with podcasts! Did you submit yours? 27:54 PROMO 2: Good Patron Podcast Shout-outs to our newsletter subscribers! The Overcast update is live with their privacy functionality More on Anchor and pirated content What apps support video podcasts? There’s a new thing called the Podcast Index! Spotify has released some updates to make podcast consumption a bit better on their app Westwood One’s Podcast Report and some intriguing stats about blogs making money 58:34 PROMO 3: Couch To Active Advanced Stats! Geographic, user agent and preliminary Amazon Music! Where have we been? Where are we going? Featured Podcast Promos + Audio PROMO 1: Diabetes Connection PROMO 2: Good Patron Podcast PROMO 3: Couch To Active

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Shout-outs to Newsletter subscribers! No Driving Gloves Small Business Birmingham WDW Radio - Disney Parks, Movies and More! The Crate 808 Podcast Advanced TV Herstory Hearing Voices

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) JOIN THE BETA! Audio/podcasting entrepreneur Jake Shapiro leaves RadioPublic for Apple iOS 14 Home Screen Setup: App Library, Widgets, Hiding Apps Submitting your show into Amazon Music via Libsyn The Podcasts Index Westwood One’s Podcast Download – Fall 2020 Report What is a Blog? – The Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger Headliner Webinar! Created Branded Swag Shops For Your Podcast So Begins the Podcast Tracking Wars with Rob Walch Elsie on Latin Fest speaking on the Power of Latinx Podcasting Podcast Movement Virtual! HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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