Next Episode: 170 One Star Power

A Special Intro. Joe Rogan/Spotify deal, Call Her Daddy, Apple and podcasting, public raw podcasting data, issues with pandemic-centric titles - yes AGAIN - its a total thing, feedback about We Are Podcasts, and we have the latest podcasting stats, this time focusing on COVID stats only - plus, of course, a lot more.

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email [email protected] or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary :00 Special Intro 2:13 The show begins 3:45 PROMO 1: I Know Dino 4:15 Rob and Elsie Conversation Podcast Addict was added back The Joe Rogan section Indie vs Inde Oh! Call Her Daddy Apple is looking for an exec to lead Apple articles speculating on response to Spotify Why does Libsyn not offer national ranking of podcasts in raw data format Audacity 2.4.0 Release A podcaster signed a book deal! What about the words ‘Corona’ or ‘Pandemic’? Does a player play count as a download? 46:34 PROMO 2: The Strokecast Ep 98 Easy editing editing via text? Some issues happening with eCamm Call Recorder and Skype Either use seasons, or don’t use seasons in Apple Podcasts 57:38 Audio feedback from We Are Podcasts Follow up on Launchyoo The Podcast Academy has released their board of governors When can you see your Apple Podcasts consumption stats? The Worst Email of The Week FTP update! Remember! 1:12:46 PROMO 3: Brain Science Podcast COVID–19 stats Where have we been? Where are we going? Featured Podcast Promos + Audio PROMO 1: So Much JENergy PROMO 2: The Strokecast Ep 98 PROMO 3: Brain Science Kamuela from Legends From The Pacific

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Podcasters For Justice While Black episode titled Ahmaud Arbery Is All of Us - Can I Live? Anti-racism resources public google doc She Podcast Episode that talks ALL about Call Her Daddy The Accidental Tech Podcast 380: Wires Are Great Apple Looking for Exec to Lead Original Podcasts Push If Apple is Going to Make Original Podcasts it Should be Bold Apple Ramps Up Original Podcasts, in Part to Help Promote TV+ Audacity 2.4.0 Release (withdrawn) Descript: Plans and Pricing Call Recorder Missing After Skype Update The Podcast Academy Board of Governors Maps: Mobility Trends Reports Podcasting Quickstart HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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