This episode has follow up on the Apple category announcements and when you can expect to be able to update them, Spotify adding ads to podcasts, NASA makes their entire library copyright free! Using an H6 and a wireless mic, when you need to fire your podcasting agency, Rob soapbox! Privacy vs podcasting! And of course stats! This time it’s all about user agents, and geographic data!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email [email protected] or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary :07 Intro & how you can be featured by Libsyn! 2:37 PROMO 1: Licensed To Live 3:10 Elsie and Rob Conversation The story of when the roof caved in during the Elsie and Krystal webinar Apple Announcements at WWDC 2019 follow up focusing on when the category changes will happen and what to expect Apple, yet again, cracking down on podcasts that are key word stuffing titles and author tags 11:20 iTunes disappearing is a good thing! Voice feedback from Michael Spotify started putting some ads in front of some podcasts What it takes for your show to advertise on Spotify NASA makes entire media library available copyright free! Apple is once again changing things and it’s affecting podcast rankings Need your help! Using a Zoom H6 with a wireless microphone Omny was just purchased by Triton Digital Where have YOU been? Worst email of the week New and noteworthy is not a thing, really, it’s not 36:57 Why did you leave us, because of a flakey co-host 38:54 PROMO 2: Professor Slots There is no such thing as AIB Compliant, mind Rob soapbox Podcasting and privacy 53:30 PROMO 3: Monster Slots Stats: geographic and user agents Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Promo 1: Licensed To Live Promo 2: Monster Attack Promo 3: Professor Slots Michael from Native Opinion

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Libsyn Live #29: WordPress, Libsyn Publisher Hub, & Gutenberg Explained Spotify now lets advertisers target podcast listeners NASA makes their entire media library publicly accessible and copyright free NASA Image and Video Library Sennheiser AVX-ME2 SET Digital Camera-Mount Wireless Omni Lavalier Microphone System (1.9 GHz) Beyond Gimlet And Luminary: A Look Into Podcasting Investment In 2019 The Mueller Report—the Best True Crime Tale Going—Is Now Available as a Podcast Privacy vs Podcasting Dean McDermott, Adam Hunter, And Nicky Paris Take On Comedy-Driven Podcasting Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Utah Podcast Summit Outlier Conference Podcast Movement She Podcasts Conference DragonCon Content Marketing World Military Influencer Conference HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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