LIBSYN PODCASTERS MEET-UP NOVEMBER 5 from 5–8 pm. Come hang out with Rob, Krystal, Dave and Elsie!

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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :07 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: The Bearded Tog 1:50 How you can be featured by Libsyn! 4:16 PROMO 1: The Waffling Taylors 5:30 Elsie and Rob Conversation 5:57 Oh the issues of podcasting Your show not in Stitcher and Apple Podcasts because of Feedburner You’ll lose your people with the banter at the beginning of your show, and stats show it And a blood pressure inducing article on podcasting AUDIO FEEDBACK: Dave Jackson shares some insight 16:07 Facebook has changed some things about the way that they deal with audio files and some folks have seen a drop in download numbers More follow up on keyword stuffing and getting kicked out of Apple Podcasts/iTunes What are the countries that you are kicked out of if you have an explicit rating Large artwork causes issues in updating your Apple Podcasts/iTunes directory A cool tool to help folks in Instagram click to your links How to leverage a big name guest on your podcast and get featured by Apple Podcasts Capturing audio from a live performance for a podcast episode PROMO 2: Klyph Notes 48:05 Basic resources for podcasting newbies Checking your loudness levels by using Siri turn by turn directions The Women Podcasters in Solidarity Initiative Is Skype antiquated? Who’s the boss of your podcast? Having trouble streaming your podcast in Apple Podcasts/iTunes could be because of your bit rate What equipment do you need to start a podcast? And why it’s become one of Rob’s podcasting pet peeve Where have you been audio with The Strokecast 1:06:44 Awesome feedback about podcasting and serving an non-English speaker audience The issue of Watch OS 5 and download stats PROMO 3: Florida Men 1:17:08 Stats, stats, stats! Median and mean numbers Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Waffling Taylors Klyph Notes Florida Men The Bearded Tog

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Off to a Bad Start Please Fix Podcasting Before It Jumps the Shark Women Podcasters In Solidarity The Strokecast on Take 5 The Mark Struczewski Podcast with Rob Walch Creating Impact Through Podcasting with Elsie Escobar, Libsyn’s Community Expert and Podcasting Veteran on The Working Mothers’ Mentor Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Digital Book World NAB in NYC use coupon code NY7787 if you want a ticket! We Are Podcast Podcon in Seattle Podfest in Orlando HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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