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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :07 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Barca Talk 2:16 How you can be featured by Libsyn! 7:03 Elsie and Rob Conversation 8:36 Elsie has baby goats! Rob has a super honest kid - from the mouth’s of babes Apple share more info on what they want from descriptions in Apple Podcasts All about apostrophes and Spotify And no, Spotify will not take over Podcast Consumption More talk about how to make your Spotify destination amazingly optimized Spotify does like podcasting How fast does Spotify update their stats? Will Apple phase out podcast downloads in iTunes/Apple Podcasts? Looking at Apple consumption stats and what data is important PROMO 1: Future of Structures 30:50 Auphonic, LUFS and our thoughts An experiment between apps and podcasts Shownotes feedback from Marc 39:11 More feedback from another Mark 43:26 There seems to be a problem with reviews in Apple Podcasts Some thoughts about reviews and how they can be more than just in Apple Podcasts PROMO 2: What You Will Learn 56:50 Using GTW for podcast recording software The confusion between Apple Podcasts and iTunes Podcast Movement is accepting applications! And there is a new track: Society, Culture and Advocacy You cannot really ‘download’ on iOS Evil emails, Pandora and podcasts Download momentum and what to expect from your downloads after releasing your latest episode PROMO 3: The 10th Year Podcast 1:22:07 Stats, stats, stats! Geographic and technology Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Future of Structures What You Will Learn The 10th Year Podcast Childless Not By Choice Marc with The Irish and Celtic Music Podcast Mark with The Resourceful Designer

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Baby goats on the She Podcasts Facebook Page! Spotify Will Turn Up The Volume On Programmatic And Podcasting In 2018 Spotify launches ‘Spotlight,’ a new podcast format with visual elements Apple ‘On Schedule’ to Terminate Music Downloads by 2019 Global Loudness Normalization and True Peak Limiter Auphonic Desktop Programs Evernote Trello eCamm Call Recorder Zoom Zencastr Ringr Cast Acuity Apply to speak at Podcast Movement! New PM18 Session Track Announcement Pandora CEO Roger Lynch Wants to Create the Podcast Genome Project Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2018 National Podcast Power Online Learning Conference NRB Convention: Proclaim 18 Social Media Marketing World Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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