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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Addictions Podcast 1:57  How to get your voice on the show and promote yourself and some announcements 4:34 Promo 1: Voices of Deconversion 7:35 Elsie and Rob Conversation 8:05 Rob got an iPhone X New Libsyn features! 280 characters and time stamp player Going to YouTube and sharing all of your podcasts with the tap of a button Breaking down a bunch of apps that index episode titles (and those that don’t) #naughtylist Elsie comes in to say Breaker DOES support search for episodes! 22:22 Thoughts about going away Yes, you do have to have at least ONE episode of your show published on your feed before your feed is accepted by Apple PROMO 2: Real Famous Podcast 30:47 The best 1 start reviews ever When the date of your podcast publishing doesn’t match with what apps show you How many podcasts were added to Spotify? The two minute option for publishing your show in YouTube Chorus A lovely long list of all the apps showing what your shownotes look like When you record someone for an article can you then make the recording into a podcast? Anybody use Hindenburg to record Skype conversations? PROMO 3: Darknet Diaries 55:33 Facebook OnPublishing, where do those stats go? STATS, STATS, STATS: User agents, mean and median! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Voices of Deconversion Real Famous Podcast Darknet Diaries Addictions Podcast

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) 10 Funniest Siri Replies Listen Notes Introducing Chorus How podcast show notes display in 19 different apps The Power of Podcasting for Transforming Self & Culture with Elsie Escobar on Awarepreneurs Podcasterio Fest 2017 Stats Overhaul Recap & Interface Update Review Episode 100 of The Story Behind Podcast Luis Escobar’s Patreon Reward Video Nov 2017 Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2018 National Podcast Power Online Learning Conference NRB Convention: Proclaim 18 Social Media Marketing World Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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