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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Thrashbacks, Diablo Valley Show2:10 How to get your voice on the show and promote yourself 5:50 Elsie and Rob Conversation 7:00 Why Rob is in the doghouse Feed validators are not doing to well When Google acquires a podcast app What’s up with the random spikes and how can I make it happen again? How far back should you go back to update your podcast episodes with the new Apple Podcasts tags? A tip about making sure your podcasts are in the right order on Apple Podcasts when you publish them using the new feed tags Some advice about how to number your shows when you don’t need a number Long term data on daily downloads? Linked in is not doing so good showing the latest podcast episode PROMO: Classic Movie Reviews with Snark 33:36 A podcast isn’t behaving re: copyright infringement - who’s job is it to make them behave? Removing the podcast page destination from your Libsyn account The Elsie level of snark and the Rob level of snark when requests to be on the show come through The popularity tags on Apple Podcasts are meaningless!!! Making sure your podcast is available to Android users What exactly counts as a download There are only 4 results when searching for a podcast in Apple Podcasts! More problems with Feedburner and your show not reflecting the new Apple Podcasts new feed tags Podcasts App tip: how to manually subscribe to a podcasts RSS feed Feedback about the new stats adjustment PROMO: Girlfriends Happy Hour 1:04:54 It’s stats time! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Classic Movie Reviews with Snark Girlsfriends Happy Hour Diablo Valley Show

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Google just bought a podcast app cofounded by former Netflix executives Google acqui-hires team at podcast app 60dB, service will shut down next month How you can help podcasting grow with Elsie on The Audacity to Podcast Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2017 National Podcast Power Online Learning Conference Rob speaking at NAB: Reaching for the Golden Mic Part 1: The Pursuit of Fame in Podcasting DC Podfest NRB Convention: Proclaim 18 Social Media Marketing World HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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Google just bought a podcast app cofounded by former Netflix executives

Google acqui-hires team at podcast app 60dB, service will shut down next month