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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: Podcast Meander 1:47 What do you want from our blog? 2:13 Promo 2: The Marketing Disenchanted Podcast 4:00 How we feature you! 4:25 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Adoptees On 5:00 Promo 3: Lucky To Be Dad 9:34 Dave & Elsie Conversation 10:00 Look who’s on the show! Two podcasting awards discussed Podcast Movement meet-up in Vancouver! And Canada is big Thoughts on Cast, Zencastr and others with workflow on recording podcast interviews What are the best practices for adding links in the shownotes? Audio from Steve Stewart A bunch of cool Squarespace sites and Libsyn as a podcast host RSS compilation tools! Audio from Preston The top questions Dave gets in to support! The soap box has been passed on: Dave on the length of episodes Stats, stats, stats! Rob drops in to give us the scoop Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Podcast Meander The Marketing Disenchanted Podcast Lucky To Be Dad Adoptees On

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Dave and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Latin Podcast Awards Australian Podcast Awards Podcast Movement Local - Vancouver Meet-up Cast Zencastr Cleanfeed Zoom Article with all the RSS feed aggregators The Download on Podcasts Podcast Completion Rate Is Still About Length Elsie’s Emergency Excitement

Podcast Squarespace sites with Libsyn hosted media * Tiffany Han * Live Black Sheep * Books Between * Artful Camera * Adoptees On * Jan McCarthy * The Anxiety Coaches Podcast * Wasting All The Time * Everyday Ethics

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Social Media Marketing World WordCamp KC Podcast Movement 2017 L.A. Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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