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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: 3 Minute Weekend 1:29 We have a support blog! 2:04 Promo 2: The Why and The Buy 4:49 How we feature you! 3:59 Promo 3: Based on a True Story 5:18 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Subject:CINEMA 6:23 Rob & Elsie Conversation 14:27 The Libsyn Podcast Page reveal! And what to expect Congrats to Ray Ortega on his Podcasters’ Studio 100th episode! How to number your podcasts and special series of podcast episodes Let’s talk about hashtags on Facebook How do you measure engagement for your podcast, a discussion YOU need to keep your podcast episodes back ups An interesting way to get international PR for your podcast You can share the embed code for your libsyn custom player with others! The best dates and times to release podcasts A super cool way to share a bunch of your podcasts via Clammr Edie Cue from Apple mentions podcasts, it’s always nice when Apple talks about podcasting Great feedback from The Recovered Podcast re: the success with their show and their app Interesting stats on the type of numbers that you’re missing if you mark an episode explicit Oh no! All my reviews are gone! What happened! A new initiative! #TryPod is here! Stats, stats, stats! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio 3 Minute Weekend The Why And The Buy Based On A True Story Subject:CINEMA

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) The New Libsyn Podcast Pages walkthrough! Libsyn Live with Krystal and Elsie The Podcasters’ Studio Episode 100 Custom Player tutorial FYI it’s the custom player with playlist! The Social Entrepreneurs Clammr marketing campaign Eddy Cue Apple is working on features for podcasts Recode YouTube Video 41:15 timecode Elsie’s Emergency Excitement Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podfest use coupon code shepodcasts for the 3 day event by 11/30 and get $77 off! Podfusion the workshop put on by She Podcasts! Training 2017 Conference Proclaim 17 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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