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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: Broadway Backstory 3:28 The Libsyn Blog info 4:01 Promo 2: The History News Show 4:49 How we feature you! 5:13 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Mouse Scouts 6:15 Promo 3: Badasses, Boobs and Body Counts 12:05 Rob & Elsie Conversation 12:37 A little catch up on Rogue One And then there’s the time when podcasters decided to leave negative iTunes reviews for other podcasters Yeay! Happy Holidays from Civilla! And we love she listens more than once 22:42 Nope, we’re not considering a live broadcast solution and we let you know why Did you guys know that we can make your podcast an app? We totally can iTunes totally does NOT let you know if you are featured in the New & Noteworthy slot, nope, they do not “Don’t get intoxicated with the fact that someone wants you. That’s how 55 year old men wind up alone at Thanksgiving.” Revisited A bit of an update to the PayPal Donate button A conversation around Mark Ramsey and his opinion about podcasting’s worst problem And how does having an app for your own show help you? Shout out to Danny Pena for letting us know about the Dead Rising 4 podcasting thing! Auphonic is doing some great stuff with podcasting and speech to text Ummmmmm 8 podcasting innovations for 2016? Ya, not so much And goodness, the divide between pro-casters and podcasters is stratifying And the million dollar question: why does podcasting need to yield a significant audience? Small predictions for podcasting in 2017 The 1 star review from the might Dave Jackson 1:07:54 Stats stats stats! User agents! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Broadway Back Story The History News Show Badasses, Boobs, and Body Counts Mouse Scouts 21st Century Hannah: Childless Not By Choice by Civilla Morgan

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) A Free Year Of Podcast Hosting Podchristmas Improving the donate button for bigger bucks The Biggest Problem With Podcasting Is Make Podcasts Searchable, Speech To Text Podcasting Stratifies Into Hard Layers Elsie on Grant Baciocco’s show 15 minutes Podfest Chronicles episode featuring Elsie and Jess and their super cool event Podfusion! (direct link to the episode in the Podcasts App) Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podfest use coupon code shepodcasts for the 3 day event by 11/30 and get $77 off! Podfusion the workshop put on by She Podcasts! Training 2017 Conference Proclaim 17 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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