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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: Parler Cuisine 1:25 The Libsyn Blog info 1:56 Promo 2: America Adapts 2:33 How we feature you! 3:05 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Four Seas One Family 3:42 Promo 3: Spartan Up 9:32 Rob & Elsie Conversation 10:03 Guys, free year of hosting, here’s the scoop! iTunes submission dates and stuff iTunes SEO and iTunes episode author tag Should you create another RSS feed for your podcast if you go over 300 episodes for iTunes search juice? When you should join a podcast network and leave your RSS feed and what to look for 25:30 Having a podcast app for you podcast can be a good thing! It’s been some time since we’ve discussed What do you do if a new podcast comes along with the same name as your podcast? 43:51 What if the name you want to name your podcast is already taken? Having contests for your show are totally ok, just make sure that you are clear what the rules and regs are! A clarification between the IAB digital audio buyers guide and the IAB podcast ad metrics How to find shows about your topic or similar to yours in iTunes Elsie’s very sad 1 star review about Elsie’s Yoga Class Stats, stats, stats! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Parler Cuisine America Adapts Spartan Up Four Seas One Family

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) A Free Year Of Podcast Hosting Warning for Podcasters! Before You Launch Your Podcast During The Holidays Know These Dates! Daniel’s SEO Cheat Sheet The Story Behind Rushmore featuring Porter Walch IAB Digital Audio Buyers Guide IAB Podcast Ad Metrics Guidelines IAB Podcast Ad Metrics Guidelines - are now also supported by the IAB Australia Audio Council The Entrepreneur Magazine featuring She Podcasts Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podfest use coupon code shepodcasts for the 3 day event by 11/30 and get $77 off! Podfusion the workshop put on by She Podcasts! Training 2017 Conference Proclaim 17 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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