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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: The Man Whore Podcast 2:01 The Libsyn Blog info 2:38 Random promo! Bitchen Boutique HALLOWEEN 3:41 Promo 2: The Blood Drawn Chronicles 5:31 How we feature you! 6:00 Promo 3: The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian 7:43 Rob & Elsie Conversation 9:18 Sticker talk! Stickers are fun, should a podcast have them? The story of the podcaster that almost lost his audience of 11 years because of Feedburner So there’s an app that is touted as the Soundcloud of podcasting, hmmm It seems that This American Life’s Shortcut repurposed Clammr and called it something else What if there’s racially charged language on your show? Should you mark the show explicit? Audio feedback 46:06 How should you go about changing your style and content in your podcast? A story about the easiest way to impact SEO in iTunes YouTube has a bonus for podcast listeners that’s awesome for impaired listeners! How exactly to get your widescreen image on YouTube! Why Do You Hate Us: Justin Malik 1:06:19 Rob calls Elsie out as a stats addict What good stats are in iHeart Radio What’s the difference between feed hits and download numbers User Agent stats! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Man Whore Podcast The Blood Drawn Chronicles The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian Bitchen Boutique WWI Digger Stories Podcast Optimal Living Daily

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) The Feed: Spooktacular Halloweeeeeeeen Episode! Relay.FM Stickers The Incomparable stickers About Bumpers, the podcast app This American Life, Shortcut The Feed Clammrs Page! Rob on the Starting From Nothing Podcast Elsie’s project Decode Detroit! Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podfest Podfusion the workshop put on by She Podcasts! DC Podfest Training 2017 Conference Proclaim 17 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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