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We love feedback! [email protected] or call us 1-412-573-1934 or Speakpipe Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: The Art of Manufacturing 1:48 A message from Kris Dersch about an awesome podcasting collaborative project 2:44 Promo 2: I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere 9:01 How we feature you! 9:29 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Armchair Ninja 3:57 Promo 3: Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast 15:54 Rob & Elsie Conversation 16:22 Facebook Destination Updates! aka timeline player update Ooooh 16:9 YouTube image available Shout out to Consumer Reports and their Talking Cars Podcast! 21:54 Talking Cars 100th episode promo Will the podcasts you follow start following you? We discuss! Art19 and their wanting to kill the RSS feed and replace it with an API - will it fly? Does Omny Studio have a breakthrough in Apple Podcast Data Blab is totally dead and Google Hangouts is getting some changes Live podcasting platforms Podster holds ‘best undiscovered podcast’ competition Tips from other podcasters about copying and pasting from a rich text editor to an online editor 48:19 Some audio feedback from Dr. Kyle, leading into social media 50:38 Social Media Best Practices For Podcasters: we talk playground and energy 51:37 Funny or sad twitter bomber story Google will soon start punishing mobile sites that show hard-to-dismiss popups Auphonic is testing a transcription beta and do you have a service that you use that you like? Introduction to a new segment! ‘Why do you hate us’ Why did you leave us 1:31:16 Not enough listeners Done giving away audio for free Stats time! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Art of Manufacturing I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast The Armchair Ninja Podcast The CADORS Aviation podcast Michigan Family Wellness Podcast

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Podcast Storyfest Consumer Reports: Talking Cars turns 100 Will the Podcasts you follow start following you Omny Studio declares a breakthrough in Apple Podcast Data Libsyn Exec-Omny’s Podcast Data Claims Are ‘Misleading’ FB group thread Blab is Dead Long Live Blab Google is Discontinuing Google Hangouts On Air On September 12 Pushes Users To YouTube Q&A, Showcase and Applause via YouTube Marc Johanssen in Facebook Group shares live podcasting services Firetalk Huzza Zencastr Cast Podster Holds “Best Undiscovered Podcast” Competition Google will soon start punishing mobile sites that show hard-to-dismiss popups Castro new iteration! Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podfest Podcast Mid-atlantic DC Podfest Training 2017 Conference Proclaim 17 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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