Call us 1-412-573-1934 or Speakpipe and of course you can email us! [email protected] Quick Episode Summary: Intro :13 Promo 1: One New Message 1:57 On the Libsyn Blog! 2:59 Promo 2: Soiled Restroom CINEMA 3:40 How to get featured on the show! 4:09 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts from No Extra Words 4:37 Promo 3: Couch Pilots 10:14 Rob & Elsie Conversation 10:58 Birthday musings Shout out to Troy Kirby on 600 episodes! A discussion on a soapbox about podcasting being at a crossroads Holy cats! We have a Spotify and a Google Play Music update for podcasters Something new seems to coming in iTunes and there have been growing pains Guys, make sure your artwork is the right size! Make sure you set your clean or explicit tag - choose Shout-out to Adidas for diving into the world of podcasting! Audio feedback question from the mighty Joshua Liston about WP migration and stuff 29:37 Q about getting demographic data for your podcast Q how to make sure that iTunes lists podcast from oldest to newest Fun podcasting software from Rogue Amoeba - Loop Back And there’s Zencastr SOAPBOX no. 2: the folks at public radion put out a Public Radio Podcast Measurement Guidelines document and they think they’re Steff from Pretty In Pink Oooooh patent fun stuff! The Why Did You Leave Us segment 59:25 Stats time!!! Sharing some cool podcasting events for you Featured Podcast Promos + Audio One New Message Soiled Restroom CINEMA Couch Pilots Josh from

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Balanced Living For Busy Professionals Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The 99 Lives Podcast Kris’s Dersch’s podcasting set-up

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Sports Tao 600 episodes Podcasting At A Crossroads - oh look! No link! (on purpose) Some Users Can Now Subscribe To Google Play Music Loop Back from Rogue Amoeba Zencastr Public Radio Podcast Measurement Guidelines document Public Radio Outlets Publish Guidelines For Measuring Podcast Audience What Is a ‘Download?’ Defining Podcast Metrics Reveals Industry Faultlines The Observer article with a sweet Rob quote Why Podcasting Matters - from WNYC Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) The Florida Podfest Diversity In Public Radio & Podcasting Digital Marketer Conference Proclaim 16 Podcast Movement 2016 Podcast Mid-atlantic HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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