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Quick Episode Summary: Intro 12:02 Promo 1: The Martial Arts Nation Podcast 3:10 Rockin’ Libsyn Podcaster Pilar Orti 4:08 Katie from Brain Burps About Books shares her podcasting hacks! 7:03 Promo 2: The Ingles Podcast 11:52 How we feature YOU 12:25 Promo 3: Voice-Over Journey 15:11 Rob and Elsie Conversation 15:40 Rob’s excitement over his upcoming Apple Watch. Ding dong the podcast patent is dead and we tell you all about it! Yeay Serial won a Peabody Award! FYI iTunes does NOT update ASAP. Great feedback from a Libsyn user at meeting us at NMX! Wayne has something to share with us about NMX. 28:00 Rob’s experience at New Media Expo. The story about Rob’s epic session. Video podcasting is NOT as popular as we ALL thought aka surprising stats about video podcasting. Elsie’s experience at New Media Expo - we start with the sessions. Social Media at live events aka IRL is NOT social. A bit of Elsie’s workflow to prepare for covering a conference via social media. We showcased you on our booth and people LOVED it. How to make NMX better. And then, the discussion moves onto the Podcast Awards. The Podcast Awards Winners! You should never have to pay to be part of an awards show. Rob’s super cool podcaster microphone finds from NAB. 1:06:50 and 1:08:41 Someone wants to sit down and edit a podcast episode with you. Should you? Rob goes off - a bit. Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Martial Arts Nation Podcast The Ingles Podcast Voice-Over Journey Pilar Orti from 21st Century Life Katie Davis from Brain Burps About Books Wayne Henderson from Media Voice Overs

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Pretty link ScheduleMAX The Podcast Awards Sennheiser - Lightning Lapel Mic Shure MV88 lightning mic with boom The Social Network Show with Rob Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going? Podcast Movement Podcast Movement Workshop For Women: Empower, Evolve, Expand with Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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