Previous Episode: Inside the Jewelry Trade
Next Episode: Bear Arms Show

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Quick Episode Summary:

Intro :15 Promo 1: The Angry Chimp Podcast 2:06 On the Libsyn Blog 2:37 Promo 2: Grocery Shop For Free Podcast 3:46 How we feature YOU 4:13 Cool new place to post your podcasting meet-ups! 6:36 Promo 3: France Travel Podcast 7:51 Rob and Elsie Conversation 8:36 Rob needs a new mixer Apple has updated their specs page for podcast artwork Update on the EFF ruling about the patent troll Audacity just released a new version: 2.1.0. Frustration with yucky shownotes strategy in the Podcasts App. Podcast Movement announce two new inductees into the Podcasters Hall of Fame. Can audio ever be viral? Should it be? How to script an episode so that it doesn’t sound like you’ve scripted an episode? The latest STATS STATS and more PODCASTING STATS! Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Angry Chimp Podcast Grocery Shop For Free Podcast France Travel Podcast Addy Saucedo from Do It Podcast

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: The Blended Family Podcast Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: The Warriors Huddle Podcast

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Check out the new Apple Podcast specs for artwork from the source here Daniel J. Lewis episode all about the cool new Audacity features! Byword Markdown The Podcasters Hall of Fame Mur Lafferty’s interview on Podcast411 Mur Lafferty’s awesoem podiobooks series for Heaven Scott Sigler’s interview on Podcast411 Scott Sigler’s profile on Podiobooks Where Is The Instagram of Audio? the Medium article that Elsie and Rob discuss Rob on the Sidepreneurs Podcast Podcaster’s Unite Podcasting Directory! Rob and Elsie sessions at NMX Rob’s session: All That Marketing Advice For Your Podcast is BS Elsie’s session: Getting The Most From A Microphone: It’s Not About The Microphone Rob’s also on a panel: The New Media Show: State of Podcasting Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going? NMX Podcast Movement Podcast Movement Workshop: She Podcasts with Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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