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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :13 Promo 1: Get Social Health 2:05 On the Libsyn Blog 3:12 Promo 2: This Week in Heresy 5:43 How we feature YOU 6:09 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Talking Rubbish With Eric And Stacey 7:30 Promo 3: The Tony and Josh show 12:52 Answer for possible Pamela recording solution from Dave Jackson 14:22 Rob and Elsie Conversation 15:36 Holy wow! iTunes went down! Interesting find about the iTunes algorithm - wanna try it? A bit of an iTunes review exchange rant. And a bit of a proper Twitter etiquette rant. Rob has his possible perfect podcasting solution. Happy Anniversary Keith and The Girl! And awesome feature on the Village Voice. Can we get Speakpipe integration in the apps? (audio feedback) 39:32 Can we get Swedish speaker stats? (audio feedback) 39:32 Ok, so sharing your direct MP3 link in Twitter is like dark chocolate. 44:16 Get the scoop on a podcaster that leveraged his nomination for the Podcast Awards and got some super cool press. 47:18 Some examples of podcasters using Blogger. Breaking down the main user agents you need to know (technology in your stats.) January podcasting stats! Mean and median updated for your obsessive pleasure. Where have Elsie and Rob been and where we will be. Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Get Social Health This Week in Heresy The Tony And Josh Show Talking Rubbish with Erik and Stacey Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting Michael from M Podden Terry from Healthcare Tech Talk

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Manage A Tarot Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Live And Active Pop Culture Podcasting Luminaries: Tapping Q&A

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) iTunes went down! The ducttape and paper clips finally gave way. Apple press release about the new MacBook Keith and The Girl The Village Voice profile Podcaster has show nominated for international award Big honour for Cornwall area podcaster Elsie on the Wellpreneur Podcast Elsie on The Mom at 41 Podcast Elsie on Smells Like Human Spirit Libsyn Live all about getting your audio podcast onto YouTube

PODCASTERS using Blogger * The Deadshow * Audio Theater Central * The Mousecastle Lounge * The Sibling Rivalry * The Recoveredcast

Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going? NMX Podcast Movement HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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