Quick Episode Summary: What’s on the show! :14 Drink’n Think’n 4:38 On the Libsyn Blog: Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts and Podcast Luminaries 5:02 The Accidental Pariah 10:32 Podcasting News and Information 11:04 5am Miracle Podcast 16:25 Feedback 16:52 How big should your audience be before stepping into the subscription model? What if you want to offer our podcast app for free to your audience? How do you upload premium content via the iPhone to Libsyn? User agents and an app for your stats? Cliff, Rob and Elsie chat about live conferences and New Media Expo 2014 30:52 Wrap up 1:08:33 Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Drink’n Think’n with Ben, Tony and Ryan The Accidental Pariah 5am Miracle Podcast with Jeff Sanders Justin Voss from the Set Up Show Circle Track and NASCAR Racing Podcast Mark from The Recovered Podcast Orlando Mergal from the Hablando de Tecnologia Podcast

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Will’s Band of The Week Podcast Luminaries: The Hawaiian Vacation Connection Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Inside Social Media Podcast

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) The Podcast Awards The Podcaster’s Studio 077 - RSS Feeds and FeedBurner Post Production Editing vs Live Mixing Podcasting goals discussin on Google+ Fill in the blank: The roughest, toughest, most boring part about podcasting is discussion on Facebook Episode 4 featuring Rick Mulready of the Inside Social Media Podcast, all about Social Media for Podcasters Episode 3 has an awesome discussion on User Agents and AppleCoreMedia

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Cliff Ravenscraft, Rob and Elsie

The New Media Expo in Las Vegas January 2014 The Podcasting Spotlight at NMX 2014 Podcast Answer Man The Podcast Report HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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