Next Episode: Machine Court

Quick Episode Summary: Details on submitting your podcast promos, Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast feature requests AND pitching your own segments to the show! Featured podcasting articles and media plus what’s new on the Libsyn Blog. The Social Media Conversation: Do you listen to your podcast once it’s published? Rob and Elsie Conversation: Our current podcasting set-up Podcasting rituals + listening to your own podcast 1 Billion podcast subscriptions in iTunes iTunes SEO Latest stats on Libsyn downloads per user agents aka where are people listening to your podcast? The latest download stats for The Feed! Podcasting futures discussion inspired by @UMiAudio aka Jackson Rogers from Podcasting FAQs Libsyn Destinations: what they are and how to leverage them Limiting your feed in Libsyn to avoid the Feedburner 512 kb limit Rob comments on Techcrunch’s article: “Apple Developing Audio Hyperlinks, A Way For Audio Streams To Link To Other Media Or Control Devices” Twitter followers do not equal podcast listeners Featured Podcast Promos David and Donald from Take The Red Pill Jim Mckee from Opinionocity Andrew Alliance from The Show Radio Media Podcasting articles and media about podcasting

Social Media Links Shared on Podcasting

How To Increase Your Podcast Reviews Without Cheating 6 Interviews With Some of The Top Names in Podcasting Study: U.S. Consumes More Digital Media Than TV for The First Time How Podcasting Got It’s Name

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog

Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Podcasting FAQs Podcasting Luminaries: Steve Lubetkin Get the Podcast411 on Craftlit Queen Heather Ordover Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Entrepreneurs Money Podcast Awesome Podcast Examples 2

Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Rob’s podcasting set-up Rob’s Twitter does not equal podcast listeners post Ray Ortega from The Podcaster’s Studio Libsyn social media community conversations Ok peeps, once published, how many times do you listen to your own podcast? Inquiring minds want to know... hat tip to @WhatAboutPod

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