Day 12's entry is a little unusual. I was trying to parody the famous scene from Charlie Brown's Christmas where Linus explains the meaning of Christmas, but more in the way a modern child would explain it.

I'm getting this up a little early today, although I usually try to wait until at least 6pm before posting next day's podcast. This is the one for Saturday, Dec. 12.

I finally finished up recording and assembling the last show today, so now it's just a matter of posting them. Although I've still got to get started on the New Year's show, but I've got weeks before that. For the previous two years that I've done them, the New Year's shows have been about an hour long. I don't know if that will be the case this year. I'm not going to worry about writing poetry for it since I'm doing something different, but I've still got some writing to do.

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