Day 11 deals with Christmas lights.

It just happens that both the poem and music are ones I've used before. But as far as I can tell it's the only time it happens. For the songs I've used before I try to have new poems and for the few poems I've used before I try to have new songs. I've replaced a number of the older songs I was going to use with new ones, so I think I only have about seven old songs out of the twenty-five.

"Festival of Lights" is a song fairly different than most Christmas songs. In areas that don't get snow, light shows have replaced snow displays. Of course lights are still popular in places where they do get snow, but non-snow areas can get more elaborate since it's easier to use the front lawn. And with LED lights now becoming the standard, one doesn't have to be an electrical engineer to set up an impressive display.

And of course it just doesn't seem like Christmas without watching this display at least once:

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