What up Dirty Cones! On this episode enjoy the sounds of driving in San Antonio while Mike discusses the origins of what constitutes a cone, how it started and what it means! In addition, Mike reflects on our recent Down to Drown Hawaii training trip highlights include, crawly walk run, pulling rabbits out of hats the importance of yoga, find someone you trust and talk to them don't let yourself be a bottle ready to burst! Finding perspective from mentors, you think your life is bad, listen to a true life story of a man who fought in Korea. Our Cone House, concern vs worry, push yourself to your limits but respect your limits, don't pass out in the pool and make sure you have a buddy or lifeguard when you are working out! Heat and Cold training vs altitude training, and Down to Drown Puerto Rico 2020 information. Thank you for listening! Visit our website www.dirtycones.com