Previous Episode: Gates of Fire pt 3

The Ventures Walk, Don't Run

Stephen Pressfield and what he means to me

The War of Art and any of his other books rule!

Kimberly our favorite yoga bowl bath practitioner and wave maker

Upcoming trips
Central Caribbean Marine Institute

Dune by Frank Herbert

My theories on Stephen Pressfield
If you loan something out or give someone some money.... that’s a gift
War of Art
Life as mastery and or a martial art

Stories I only tell my friends Rob Lowe

Yoga instructor course
What I am concerned for
This is how a stoic PJ works through concerns and fixes them
That’s why it’s called practice not perfection
Paradigm shift

Yin is awesome
All I got to do is.... more
Militant yoga/peaceful warrior
Well rounded human beings no matter what job you choose
Mindset process techniques = your Foundation

Things aren’t either good or bad they just are, it’s how you react that matters

Fish are friends not food
Life is an adventure make it an exciting one
Flow is life and makes it easier to get through life
Life is close quarters combat
Be bold and GO

Never make decisions based off fear

Why I hate Walmart

Mr Pressfield is a humble elegant man and I dig his style

Ego is bs
God’s gonna cut you down Johnny Cash 2006

We’re all replaceable

Life death and all that stuff

Thank you Stephen Pressfield for writing
All of your great books
Virtues of war
The afghan campaign