One more by Jimmy Cliff
What’s up dirty cones

PR traffic theories.
A tour of Rincon as we check the surf on YouTube

The Blues Bro’s

4 March 2020 Chapman Annex renaming
They appear to be looking for older guys lately
Volunteer for everything
Be the grey man, be the all around all encompassing human

Pararescue is the break in case of emergency only
Phillip Caputo A Rumor of War
Who’s perfect?
I think volunteering is why I got my setback, because they knew me and tried really hard

Ken Fournier representing Pararescue, The United States Air Force and America
Deployed with my instructor and as a PJ deployed with guys I taught as well
PJ stories of dudes I loved
Alaska Armed Forces Eco Challenge Supercut- Ken Fournier (PJs)

Be there for your buddies and friends and families
Was about to sign off when I realized I had 10 more mins in line
Feb and March are hard months for Pararescue
Coping mechanisms
Pararescue is fighting death which is coming for us all someday, death is the real enemy
Thoughts on suicide and Hunter S Thompson
We’re all mad here... found my people
Arrogance really is just insecurity
We all know nothing...
Hooyah and thank you