Podcast Notes Key Takeaways   “The COVID pandemic has shown us, quite starkly, that we have not been doing enough innovation. We’ve not been developing enough vaccines” – Matt Ridley“We’ve hardly scraped the surface of different ways of combining and recombining the atoms and elements of the world” – Matt Ridley“Unfortunately in 2020, the economists are building epidemic models and the epidemiologists are running the economy, so we’ve got it backwards.” – Naval Ravikant“You’ve put these health officers in charge who didn’t train  or sign up to run the entire world—and they’re  terrified they’ll be blamed for excess deaths if they let up too early.”“In the last two years since the hype bubble popped, there have been great entrepreneurs hard at work, and I can now see the first green shoots coming out of crypto.” – Naval Ravikant“What we tend to do as a species, as we progress, is to become more and more specialized in what we produce but more and more diversified in what we consume.” – Matt RidleyThe world needs great people but not as much as we think“Although we needed Edison to create the light bulb, there were 21 other people creating the light bulb at around the same time. We needed one of those 21 people to be the innovator to drive it forward.” – Naval Ravikant

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

Transcript: http://nav.al/matt-ridley-2