No Stupid Questions

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Poor nutrition is a 90% demand problem and only a 10% supply problemCiting data fromFood Deserts and the Causes of Nutritional InequalityJust being more accessible didn’t change purchase behavior for food, it requires high levels of education to counter deeply embedded cultural and demographic nutrition habitsHealthy food has an uphill narrative battle against unhealthy foodMore expensive, less ready to prepare, low-shelf life, less caloric, and the list goes on“If there is a way to increase demand for healthy food, without making people feel bad, that’s going to be the trick”– Angela DuckworthIt worked with smoking cigarettes, why can’t it work with food?Implementing taxes on unhealthy food and subsidizing healthy food could help ignite a much needed social and cultural changeWhat other societal topics miscalculate supply and demand problems?Bipartisan politicians: everyone complains there are none, but no one wants their politicians to compromiseSleep: people always say they don’t get enough sleep, but it’s not for lack of time–they choose to do other things

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