Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Behavior happens when 3 things occur concurrently (MAPS):MotivationAbilityPromptThere are 3 approaches to helping people perform certain behaviors:1) Train the person: Skill them up so that they know how to do somethingE.g: If you want someone to eat more vegetables, teach them how to cook vegetables 2) Redesign the environment: Put tools or resource in the person’s environmentE.g: Get tools to chop up vegetables and recipes to make them taste good3) Scale the behavior back: Take whatever action you’re trying to do and scale it downE.g: Instead of working out for an hour, scale it down and workout for a few minutesThere are 3 core motivators of motivation:1) Pleasure & Pain: It’s what you’re sensing at the moment2) Hope & Fear: It’s if I do X, then Y will happen3) Social Acceptance & Rejection: Wanting to belong or being afraid of rejectionMotivation and ability have a compensatory relationship, meaning they compensate for one another“If motivation is low for any given behavior, then the ability must be high. In other words, it must be easy to do, otherwise, you won’t do it.” – BJ FoggIf your motivation is really high, it means you can do both easy and hard thingsWhen your motivation drops, you need to scale back the difficulty of the task“You’re adjusting the difficulty of the behavior according to the level of motivation in that moment” – BJ Foggeval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'podcastnotes_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',122,'0','0']));

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Behavior scientist and author of Tiny Habits, BJ Fogg, discusses improving decision making, motivation trends, the role of emotion in sense of self and so much more.

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