Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Build things before seeking to raise funds for a startupPrioritize having the best investors on your team “You want the smartest people and the most experienced people running into the fire with you” – PompCompanies studying how to massively lower prices is good for consumersProblems arise when big tech unfairly promote their products against competitionBitcoin is a money evolution before being technology innovation, there is no such thing as “the next Bitcoin”“Don’t go put 100% of your assets into Bitcoin, but also don’t get caught having 0% exposure” – Anthony PomplianoThe key to gain confidence is to consistently show up and do the work“What you don’t know about business you can learn, but being able to create a great product is the true gift and skill in the world” – Jason Calacanis“He who holds the audience has all the power now” – Anthony Pomplianoeval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'podcastnotes_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',122,'0','0']));

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

Jason Calacanis is a technology entrepreneur, angel investor, and the host of the popular podcast, This Week in Startups, and Angel. He boasts one of the top angel investor track records in recent history in Silicon Valley and has written a book to teach others how to replicate his success as well.

This conversation was a little different than normal as we recorded a dual-podcast episode. Rather than argue over who got to interview who, we recorded one two hour episode where we interview each other throughout the episode. We covered everything from Bitcoin to early-stage investing to coronavirus to the recent protests. This episode was a lot of fun to record and hopefully you enjoy it.


The Helium Hotspot is a new product that enables the people, not the telcos, to own and operate a wireless network in their city for Internet of Things devices. You can literally earn crypto for helping to build the network and providing connectivity to Internet of Things devices sending small bits of data. Join the movement and get your Helium Hotspot today with $50 off using the code POMP at helium.com. 


Pomp writes a daily letter to over 50,000 investors about business, technology, and finance. He breaks down complex topics into easy to understand language, while sharing opinions on various aspects of each industry. You can subscribe at https://www.pompletter.com