My First Million

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Instead of making a to-do list, ask what is the one highest impact thing I could do today?Prioritize the rest of your tasks based on impact and urgencySet clear measurable goals that are both ambitious and realisticThen set your anti-goals, the things you don’t want to happen along the wayRun quick calculations on what it will take to succeed, then spring into actionPeople don’t care about you or your product, they care about what the product will do to themPlateaus are an inevitable part of growth, embrace themBe impatient with action and patient with resultsBuild an audience first, it makes everything easier and gives you optionality

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Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) aka the King of Frameworks shares his favorite ten frameworks:

Intro (1:38)Your TO-Do List is Killing You (2:25)How To Kickoff a Project (5:16)Big Mario Marketing (8:41)Getting Un-Stuck (11:40)Having an Audience is Like Steroids (20:05)All News is Good News (21:54)Work Like a Lion (23:31)Don’t Sell Saddles (24:47)Cold Emailing to Close Sales (26:46)

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