Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Most people don’t breathe as designed (humans were built to breath from our diaphragm)But most people have forward flexion (rounded backs, forward heads, etc.) – this causes them to be upper chest breathersWhen you breathe though the diaphragm, it expands and pushes on the vagus nerve which runs all the way down the back of the spineThis cues the vagal tone to be more parasympathetic (AKA relaxing)6 deep breaths in and out through the nose has been scientifically proven to shift you into a parasympathetic stateBreathing Exercise #1 (which would be perfect to do prior to a big meeting or talk)Step 1: Breath retention – a long period of inhales and exhales (~20-30 fast breaths) through the mouth and nose at the same timeThis gets as much oxygen into the body as possible, “superoxygenating” your systemStep 2: Perform a retention holdHow? – You pull in your “bathroom muscle” and your core musculature while holding your breath for 30+ seconds (for as long as you can)This trains the nervous system to be calm under pressureBreathing Exercise #2 | The 2-7-8 (to be done for a performance boost)Inhale for 2 seconds in through the nose (filling your diaphragm)Hold your breath for 7 seconds (during this time, the diaphragm is pressing on the vagus nerve)Lastly, breathe out for 8 seconds (letting go of the stress)Breathing Exercise #3 | 21 Warrior Breaths (combined with box breathing)The main goal – get in and out as much air as possible, fully exhaling/inhaling, using both the nose and mouth for 21 cyclesAt the last count, you exhale fully and hold your breath for 5 seconds (this starts the box breathing)Then inhale for 5 seconds and hold for an additional 5 secondsNext, exhale for 5 seconds and hold for a final 5 additional seconds

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

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This simple technique can powerfully change your day, life. Since Josh taught it to me, my energy is more even, stable. I can't wait for you to learn it, too!

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More About Today's Show

As you know, managing stress and cortisol can have a big impact on your sleep and life.

Josh Trent shares one of the most powerful tools to help you manage stress and improve your quality of life.

Watch the full Warrior Breath Tutorial: https://youtu.be/qMeFfO4ge7E?t=881 

