Huberman Lab

Podcast Notes Only by clearly defining what you want in your last decade of life can you work backwards and put in place a plan to get thereTwo vectors of longevity: (1) lifespan: literally whether you are alive and breathing; (2) healthspan: how many healthy years you live – biomarkers matter less, physical & performance tests matter more (DEXA scan, VO2, fat oxidation, emotional state, etc.)ApoB is the single most important biomarker to measure – be proactive in obtaining this as early as possible! It’s uncommon in the U.S. though used in Europe & other places as part of regular health check You should monitor weight but an annual DEXA scan is more valuable than tracking BMI“There’s not one thing I’ll tell patients that is more important than exercising.” – Peter Attia“Strength training is an essential part of our existence. It’s never to late to start but you should never stop.” – Peter AttiaTry the back casting thought experiment: In detail, what do you want the last 10 years of life to look like? Then you can plan and live accordingly. Until you do, everything is abstract.Peter Attia on the Women’s Health Initiative that deterred the medical community from hormone replacement therapy for women: “It’s hands down the biggest screw up of the entire medical field in the last 25 years.” – Peter AttiaPhilosophical differences in prevention – Medicine 2.0: we’ll treat you if it seems like disease is imminent in the next 5-10 years; Medicine 3.0: treat the causative agent now

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My guest this episode is Dr. Peter Attia, M.D., who trained at Stanford University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Attia is host of The Drive podcast and is a world expert on behavioral approaches, nutritional interventions, supplementation and pharmacological techniques to improve lifespan, healthspan and athletic performance. We discuss how best to evaluate your health status using routine blood work, body scans and regular tests of physical strength and endurance. Dr. Attia explains what he uses with his patients to “back-cast” their health goals as a way to design their exercise and nutritional programs. We also discuss hormone modulation and replacement therapy for both men and women. We explain how cholesterol and related factors contribute to cardiovascular disease risk and how to monitor and mitigate that risk. Dr. Attia details various supplementation, nutrition, exercise and prescription approaches useful to people in every decade of life to improve vitality, reduce their risk of disease and increase the number of years sustaining peak cognitive and physical health. 

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AG1 (Athletic Greens):



Helix Sleep:

Supplements from Momentous

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(00:00:00) Assessing Health Status & Improving Vitality 

(00:02:51) Momentous Supplements 

(00:03:46) Thesis, InsideTracker, Helix Sleep 

(00:07:29) Lifespan: Bloodwork & Biomarkers Testing, The “4 Horseman of Disease” 

(00:11:51) Healthspan: Functional Testing, Cognitive & Emotional States 

(00:13:59) Blood Testing: Best Frequency 

(00:16:01) DEXA Scan: Lean Mass & Fat, Bone Mineral Density & Osteoporosis 

(00:22:33) Bone Mineral Density & Age-Related Decline, Strength Training, Corticosteroids 

(00:29:24) Osteopenia & Osteoporosis Diagnosis, Strength Training

(00:31:03) AG1 (Athletic Greens)

(00:32:16) Back-casting: Defining Your “Marginal Decade” 

(00:38:31) All-Cause Mortality: Smoking, Strength, VO2 max 

(00:44:43) Attia’s Rule of Supplementation, “Centenarian Decathlete” Physical Goals

(00:49:24) Importance of Exercise, Brain Health, MET hours 

(00:55:23) Nicotine & Cognitive Focus

(01:03:12) Menstruation, PMS & Menopause 

(01:10:10) Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopause & Breast Cancer Risk

(01:22:06) Estrogen, Progesterone & Testosterone Therapies in Women

(01:26:35) Hormone Replacement Therapy in Men, SHBG & Testosterone, Insulin

(01:37:23) Clomid, Pituitary, Testosterone & Cholesterol, Anastrozole, HCG

(01:47:46) Fadogia Agrestis, Supplements, Rapamycin 

(01:52:06) Testosterone Replacement Therapy & Fertility 

(01:59:26) Total Testosterone vs. Free Testosterone

(02:02:51) Cholesterol & Dietary Cholesterol, Saturated Fat, LDL & HDL, Apolipoprotein B

(02:17:42) Apolipoprotein B, Diet, Statins & Other Cholesterol Prescriptions 

(02:25:15) Cardiovascular Disease, Age & Disease Risk 

(02:28:53) Peptides, Stem Cells, BPC157, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), Injury Rehabilitation 

(02:37:40) Metabolomics & Exercise 

(02:40:44) GLP-1 & Weight Loss 

(02:47:06) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous Supplements, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network Newsletter, Huberman Lab Clips

Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac
