This episode is stuffed full of encouraging stats for those of us in the podcasting world - or who're thinking of entering it.

If you're UK based you'll have heard of Ofcom - the official British communications regulator.

Their Podcast Statistics report in 2021 was full of facts and figures collected from a survey of 1865 respondents.

If you're just a little bit cross-eyed from listening to my podcast on all these numbers, never fear. I've repeated them all below. Happy reading.

25% of the British public listen to podcasts every week. That is 16.5 million people and it compares with 7.1 million in 2019. 

Overall there are more younger listeners (aged 16 – 44) but older ones (aged 45 - 64) are hot on their tails.

57% of respondents listen at home while relaxing but people also listen in the car, on public transport, while walking or exercising, doing the chores or at bedtime. 

Most podcast lovers will listen to between 3-5 podcasts a week while 20% listen to between 6-10. 

Listeners are predominantly in the AB socio-economic range with C1s not too far behind.  

61% listen to podcasts for entertainment and 21% say it is to get practical advice.

50% of respondents say they love listening to business podcasts and also enjoy comedy, serious discussion shows, arts or music podcasts, politics, true crime, science and technology

After respondents have heard a podcast:

·         15% buy products mentioned in the podcast. 

·         31% follow advice or recommendation given. 

·         62% talk to friends or family about what they heard on the podcast. 

65% listen to the entire episode so they’ll catch any calls to action that the host issues at the end of the episode.

The UK’s audio research body, RAJAR (in its 2020 survey) found podcast listeners tend to earn 28% more on average than the general population and are more likely to have advanced degrees.

About me
Hello, I'm Serena Gay, a BBC-trained journalist and a former international satellite TV presenter.

I have many years of news and audio production experience which I now use to great effect as CEO of a podcast making company called "Made4U Podcasts".

I've  also helped run family businesses in the UK and Germany in the tourism and wine education fields.

So I understand the pressures on businesspeople to perform, promote and reach new and profitable streams of clients.

That's why these podcasts are short, pithy and full of information - not blather!


Facebook: @Made4uPodcasts
Facebook Group: @Podcasting Blueprint for Women Business Owners
Email: [email protected]

Why not download my guide to business podcasting -  it adds a great deal more detail to this podcast’s content.

P.S. I use and recommend podcast host Buzzsprout to new podcasters who want to  get their shows listed on every major podcast platform. You can use this link to sign up. If you choose a paid plan  you’ll get a $20 or a £15 Amazon gift card. This will also help support my show - so thank you!