2020 was such a disaster of a year but surely, anything is possible in 2021 once we're all vaccinated? 

Launching your own business podcast has to be right up there.

This podcast episode explains the 8 essential decision you have to make to turn your business podcasting ambitions into reality. 

1.      What’s your podcast going to be about – your business? Your story? Your clients?  

2.      The equipment you need to get. You’ll need  a decent mic, a pair of headphones, and software allowing you to record and edit

3.      A structure for your podcast – for example will it just be you or will it be an interview-based or panel discussion podcast

4.      How will you fill your podcasts – with what content?

5.      What kind of run-down will you choose – will it include music?

6.      How often will you release editions?

7.      How will you record podcast guests if you decide to go down that route

8.      Which platform will you go with to publish your podcast?  

Why not download my guide to business podcasting -  it adds a great deal more detail to this podcast’s content.  

And have a listen back to all my previous bite-sized editions of Podcast Launch Pad which I think you’ll find helpful and concise.  

If you’re looking for a friendly community to discuss your podcasting plans with – please join my Facebook Group, "Podcasting Blueprint for Women Business Owners"; EVERYONE is welcome!   

Finally, please check out my company, Made4U Podcasts to find out more about me, my podcasts and the services we offer.

P.S. I use and recommend podcast host Buzzsprout to new podcasters who want to  get their shows listed on every major podcast platform. You can use this link to sign up. If you choose a paid plan  you’ll get a $20 or a £15 Amazon gift card. This will also help support my show - so thank you!