Hello and welcome to the fifth episode of a podcast series all about how to launch a business podcast.  

Finding content to fill your podcast has to be the number one issue on people's minds when they consider launching a business one of their own. 

Start by deciding what subjects you want to talk about and then find a framework to sort them into categories.  

When I was planning three months worth of content for these podcasting podcasts I divided up the areas that I knew needed to be discussed into five and then I created a separate column for each with a subject heading: 

The Existential – such as why you need a podcast or how much time does it take to make a podcastContent – to cover deciding the structure of a podcast as well as planning its contentsHow to record, edit and distributePodcast Presentation Techniques How to market the finished product

Then I brain dumped a huge number of potential topics into each column and from that smorgasbord of content ideas, I chose six for my first six podcasts.  

Here's a few ideas that you might help jump start a list of ideas for you.  

 Discuss real life examples of the work you do (protecting identities wherever necessary)  Voice a commentary on the latest developments or challenges in your industry   Bring on different members of your team each episode to show off their know how   Invite experts to talk about issues affecting your industry or sector   Have a debate where different viewpoints are expressed   Invite clients to a roundtable discussion on the issues that matter to them   Have a news slot which could focus on:  ­company news and successes ­urgent challenges facing your industry ­changes in government policy and how it affects your clients ­world events ­natural disasters ­changing consumer behaviour ethical issues  Q&A with questions submitted by listeners on your social media or podcast website page  Introduce a new employee or a new client Quiz, with a new winner announced each week 

Spice it up a bit with some imagination, humour or even a dash of controversy. Have fun with it and your audience will too.  


Download my free guide to business podcasting - click right here

I use and recommend podcast host Buzzsprout to new podcasters who want to  get their shows listed on every major podcast platform. You can use this link to sign up. If you choose a paid plan  you’ll get a $20 or a £15 Amazon gift card. This will also help support my show - so thank you! 

And join my Facebook Group "Podcasting Blueprint for Women Business Owners" - EVERYONE is welcome.

Finally, please check out my company, Made4U Podcasts to find out more about me, my podcasts and the services we offer.