Hello, all. No episódio de hoje, falo sobre um dos assuntos mais populares e requisitados por alunos de inglês: o uso das preposições IN e ON. Como vamos ter muitos exemplos, o episódio fica apenas na função "tempo" dessas preposições (mais usos nos próximos) e mostra o que usar quando dizemos "em trinta dias", na quarta-feira, em janeiro, em 2004, e em 12 de maio. Repare o que eu uso para cada um desses!

Hey, everyone! What's up? Here's a new episode of the Inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to inglesonline.com.br and click Podcast Inglesonline.

So due to popular demand, today's episode will be about... prepositions. Basic use of prepositions IN and ON, to be more specific. So this will probably turn into a series and we will have future episodes to talk about other uses of IN and ON. So let's get started with how to use IN and ON to speak about the time something happened, will happen, or usually happens and so on and so forth. You guys know that I usually give lots of examples so I may have to concentrate on the most common ways to use these prepositions, rather than including every single possible use.

OK. Are you ready for many examples using IN and ON? This is going to be simple and straightforward. Let's start with examples of things that are going to happen IN a few days. My coffee will be ready IN a minute. IN sixty seconds, I'll have my coffee. I'll have some free time IN two days. Today's Wednesday, so IN two days I'll have more free time. I will be working on the next podcast IN a week. A week from now. Many Brazilians will go on vacation IN about two months, right? It's May twenty-one today, so IN about two months it'll be the middle of July and there will be lots of people going on vacation, I guess. When you get to the doctor's office, sometimes the receptionist will tell you "Dr. So and So will be with you IN a minute". IN a minute, IN two minutes, IN thirty minutes. The book you've ordered will be here IN three days. Your book should be here IN three days. So can you notice how, whenever we wanna communicate the amount of time it's going to take for something to happen, or be completed, we say... What? IN two hours. IN three days. IN a month, and we can also say "IN a month's time".

Alright, now let's focus on when exactly something happened, or will happen, or usually happens and so on. So what are the most common ways to say that? We use the days of the week, for example: Monday, Tuesday, etc. Or a date: January 1st; July 13th, for example. Months: February, March... A year: 1985. Or 2006. So listen to this: Brazil won the World Cup IN 1994, and then it won again IN 2002. Brazil lost IN 2006 and it lost again IN 2010. What will happen IN 2014? I honestly don't know. Everyone's expecting Brazil to win IN 2014, right? After all, we're the hosts and they say our team is really good now...? We'll see! We will have presidential elections IN 2014. I moved to London IN 2013. And I don't know if everyone knows that, but Inglês Online got started IN 2006. Late 2006. Got it?

Let's talk about months now. Inglês Online got started IN November. November of 2006. Christmas is IN December. Brazilian vacations are IN July. Also IN January and December. My cousin's birthday is IN April. My sister's birthday is IN August. I moved to London IN May of 2013. Easter usually falls IN March or April. School year starts IN February in Brazil... right? What else is IN February? Your birthday, maybe?  Carnival, sometimes?

Now let's talk about specific days, be it a day of the week, or a date. I usually publish a new podcast ON Wednesday or Thursday... Sometimes ON Friday. I go to the gym ON Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes ON Saturdays as well. ON Saturdays I like to go to the park for a walk.

Hello, all. No episódio de hoje, falo sobre um dos assuntos mais populares e requisitados por alunos de inglês: o uso das preposições IN e ON. Como vamos ter muitos exemplos, o episódio fica apenas na função “tempo” dessas preposições (mais usos nos próximos) e mostra o que usar quando dizemos “em trinta dias”, na quarta-feira, em janeiro, em 2004, e em 12 de maio. Repare o que eu uso para cada um desses!


Hey, everyone! What’s up? Here’s a new episode of the Inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to inglesonline.com.br and click Podcast Inglesonline.

So due to popular demand, today’s episode will be about… prepositions. Basic use of prepositions IN and ON, to be more specific. So this will probably turn into a series and we will have future episodes to talk about other uses of IN and ON. So let’s get started with how to use IN and ON to speak about the time something happened, will happen, or usually happens and so on and so forth. You guys know that I usually give lots of examples so I may have to concentrate on the most common ways to use these prepositions, rather than including every single possible use.

OK. Are you ready for many examples using IN and ON? This is going to be simple and straightforward. Let’s start with examples of things that are going to happen IN a few days. My coffee will be ready IN a minute. IN sixty seconds, I’ll have my coffee. I’ll have some free time IN two days. Today’s Wednesday, so IN two days I’ll have more free time. I will be working on the next podcast IN a week. A week from now. Many Brazilians will go on vacation IN about two months, right? It’s May twenty-one today, so IN about two months it’ll be the middle of July and there will be lots of people going on vacation, I guess. When you get to the doctor’s office, sometimes the receptionist will tell you “Dr. So and So will be with you IN a minute”. IN a minute, IN two minutes, IN thirty minutes. The book you’ve ordered will be here IN three days. Your book should be here IN three days. So can you notice how, whenever we wanna communicate the amount of time it’s going to take for something to happen, or be completed, we say… What? IN two hours. IN three days. IN a month, and we can also say “IN a month’s time”.

Alright, now let’s focus on when exactly something happened, or will happen, or usually happens and so on. So what are the most common ways to say that? We use the days of the week, for example: Monday, Tuesday, etc. Or a date: January 1st; July 13th, for example. Months: February, March… A year: 1985. Or 2006. So listen to this: Brazil won the World Cup IN 1994, and then it won again IN 2002. Brazil lost IN 2006 and it lost again IN 2010. What will happen IN 2014? I honestly don’t know. Everyone’s expecting Brazil to win IN 2014, right? After all, we’re the hosts and they say our team is really good now…? We’ll see! We will have presidential elections IN 2014. I moved to London IN 2013. And I don’t know if everyone knows that, but Inglês Online got started IN 2006. Late 2006. Got it?

Let’s talk about months now. Inglês Online got started IN November. November of 2006. Christmas is IN December. Brazilian vacations are IN July. Also IN January and December. My cousin’s birthday is IN April. My sister’s birthday is IN August. I moved to London IN May of 2013. Easter usually falls IN March or April. School year starts IN February in Brazil… right? What else is IN February? Your birthday, maybe?  Carnival, sometimes?

Now let’s talk about specific days, be it a day of the week, or a date. I usually publish a new podcast ON Wednesday or Thursday… Sometimes ON Friday. I go to the gym ON Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes ON Saturdays as well. ON Saturdays I like to go to the park for a walk. This weekend I am going to a bar ON Saturday.  You do something ON Monday, ON Tuesday, ON Wednesday, ON Thursday, ON Friday, ON Saturday, ON Sunday. And sometimes we just say “Monday”. Like, “I’m gonna see him Monday”.

For specific dates, same thing: the party will be ON the 15th of June, or ON June 15. Christmas will be ON December 25 this year? Just kidding, it’s ON December 25 every year obviously. The office party will be ON November 23. My friend’s graduation ceremony will be ON March 20.

So listen to this podcast a few times, and then give me your examples: what ‘s gonna happen in your life IN a month’s time? So, in thirty days. What happened in 1998? What happened in April in your life? When’s your birthday? Let us know in the comments and talk to you next time!


IN and ON for time


and so on and so forth = e por aí vai

rather than = em vez de

straightforward = direto ao ponto

in about two months = em mais ou menos dois meses

Dr. So and So = Doutor fulano de tal

late 2006 = no final de 2006

